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  1. Hmmm well with E3 going online and Gamescon in Germany I'm guessing they'll only do PAX West (since the studio is near there). That's in September so now looking at an Oct-Nov release at the earliest. Thanks for this info, you're doing the PR team's job for them
  2. Again with these narratives that anyone who has doubts about the design decisions is a "troll" or "conspiracy theorist." And I can already hear the army of moderators lining up to delete all my posts again for calling this out. With multiplayer I was hoping for a commercial and competitive experience, like playing a space agency and competing for goals like the Ansari X, and making profits. Having kerbals reproduce based on milestones is so unrealistic and immersion breaking. They're aliens, so they would come from something like a hatchery part that requires some rare resources to incubate them in for growth. [snip] with the lack of info around key features so late in the development phase, these doubts will only grow over time.
  3. Parts will be "paid for" using resources, which makes sense given the focus on interplanetary resource extraction But what about parts built on Kerbin? Career mode is the only mode I play, so it's pretty disappointing that they're cancelling it.
  4. So career seems to be the most requested mode with only 1 / 56 votes against it, and yet it's also the only one that they're openly against (replacing with "adventure mode") These devs are so out of touch with the community, it's becoming a bad joke.
  5. lol I'd happily buy more than one gifted copy if it comes out in 2022 and lives up to the hype. But there's no way I'd potentially buy someone else a copy along with my own at this point, after everything that's happened. That's worse than pre-ordering, and for someone who got scammed on the SimCity release it's never gonna happen like that.
  6. thanks for posting these, and the older ones too. it's nice to get a closer look at a feature, and a sense of progress over time for once. i'm kinda surprised at how so many parts are... exactly the same as KSP parts. and overall the editor is almost exactly the same as well, aside from the expanded sub-panel next to the parts list. though, considering how secretive the development has been, it's likely their intent to only show us stuff that we would already recognise... and difficult to draw any conclusions from this. i imagine every frame of these videos being pored over by a panel multiple times before getting approved for general showing. i like how they've grouped parts by size / bulkhead profile within the panel, but i definitely prefer the original UI over this cartoony-style. idk. after so many delays i'd expect more than just KSP with new graphics and near-future parts. everything is clearly still separated by cross-sectional / bulkhead profile, including different engines for each, which is disappointing... after all this time they should be trying something new, like tweakscale implemented in stock - customisable parts per type that can be freely scaled. i mean what's the point if modders will have to add the exact same features that the community has shown great interest in?
  7. Those are some very broad estimates without any release dates. Also: So likely delays and even cancellations. I'm guessing late 2023 - mid 2024 release if only one more delay is announced and the project is completed at all.
  8. I reckon there'll be at least one more delay, so probably late 2023 at the earliest. If they were still gonna release this year they would have announced it already.
  9. Would love to see the Sea Dragon. At the worst, modders could probably add them. More than this though, I want to see customisable engines, or like an engine designer extension. Something that allows us to select the combustion cycle, nozzle size, maybe a few different turbopumps, etc, and put our own designs into production. For me this would be a lot more fun than being constrained so a small number of set designs that can't be modified. The partupgrade system doesn't quite allow this level of customisation either.
  10. Okay since we're posting videos What makes this the most memorable launch (and space scene overall) for me isn't just the launch - which is over pretty quick - it's everything surrounding it. Nolan is my favourite director so I may be a bit biased on this, but I think he portrays the way humans connect with space really well. There are so many tales woven into that launch - a devastated daughter, a soon-to-be broken family, a son's coming of age, a father trying to protect his family, and trying to save the world on top. The slow burn orchestral crescendo leading up to engine ignition takes on a deeper significance, of blasting all that drama and human connection away to enter the cool and unemotional realm of space. And immediately the tone shifts to a sarcastic robot who jokes about leaving them behind. Space is brutal, humans don't belong there, and the way this is portrayed directly is through a witty joke. I think First Man also took a similar approach by giving significant screen time to the family and all the stuff going on "behind the scenes" of those historic missions. I'm unsure if KSP2 could recreate this kind of drama because we're supposed to see Kerbals as expendable. But we could connect with them with the right mechanics - for example, Banished was a game that could draw you in to connect with the people who make up your village. If we had something like this and got invested with the Kerbals (while they were on Kerbin, or in a colony somewhere) then this kind of feeling could be recreated.
  11. Actually if the publisher wanted to shutter this game, this would be how they'd go about it. There's also at least one precedent - SimCity. EA bought the franchise with the intent of ending it, and did so using various methods - including adding multiplayer to a game that nobody wanted it in, for the sole purpose of DRM. Since nothing has been said about MP in KSP2, the same approach could be used for this. Why publishers decide to ruin games I'm unsure of - maybe it's about a quick buck, or maybe they think certain games / franchises threaten the rest of their market. KSP could definitely be that, as a game that teaches people rocket science - in this case it could be government or some other entity who doesn't want this kind of knowledge in the hands of everyday people, or that entertainment tycoons think a game that successfully blends education with entertainment undermines their strategy of peddling flashy trash without any substance for maximum profit. Since I spent part of the thread getting lectured about good faith, that's me giving it to the OP's case. It's definitely possible, and if EA owned this game I'd say it's highly probable. But this publisher has yet to establish such a bad rep beyond suing a few modders, so it seems unlikely - unless this was their first foray into the EA business style. It seems more likely they are trying to maximise their profits by providing a higher level of polish and wider appeal to a game that is only really popular inside its niche, and that's the reason for the delays along with buying out the original studio who was going to release it 2 years ago in the early access state that we're used to.
  12. Even with part failure there needs to be more at stake within the game to create that feeling of drama. In reality it wasn't just the mission itself and the human lives at stake, the space race situation made success even more critical. We've heard nothing about multiplayer in KSP2 but if it's competitive like that, it would help. Parts potentially failing, losing kerbals and reputation and future contracts, along with your opponent beating you... if it all came together like that, then that would be a good recreation.
  13. how dare the average consumer ever question or criticise our mighty multinational corporation without the proper qualifications! somehow i missed the Jim Sterling video on this topic, but after seeing that (along with my impending "conspiracy theorist" forum title as a result of reading that one Forbes article), i think i'll go write some code for a while
  14. It's barely worth paying attention to any more anyway. They milked the interest out of KSP fans for as long as they could, now they're just dragging their feet, throwing out the occasional scrap of info and seeing how long they can get away with it while the elite guard of Pollyanna defend them to the death. KSP2 looking more and more like Ice Juice in Billions - "stillborn"
  15. Nobody here is getting "all worked up and panicky," and yet people continue to dismiss the arguments of critics with this narrative. It really makes me wonder why they're so invested in defending the repeated failures of an unchecked, greedy corporation with a near total monopoly on this niche. Reducing the problems discussed in this thread to mere "long delays" is also inaccurate. As the OP pointed out, they claimed to be 6 months away from release 2 years ago, and nothing they've done since has addressed this. Covid delays? Unlikely - pretty much everyone in IT can easily work from home (and probably prefer it as well). Scandal after scandal and yet most people here simply want to sweep them all under the rug and pretend that everything is all sparkles and rainbows.
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