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Kapitalizing Every Word

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Everything posted by Kapitalizing Every Word

  1. Banned for banning your self without a moderators review
  2. The rules of this game are simple: you write a conspiracy theory of KSP and the user below you proves it wrong and writes one of their own Here I go: Our beloved Jeb isn't jeb but instead Jeb Bergsten the leader of Mojang that explains why he is always happy even if he is about to die: he knows it is just a game and a tool for his ultimate mission: send subliminal messages through his smile to make us download minecraft.
  3. Nop just plain old me @Souptime deserves another chance
  4. Man I already want the next part this is AMAZING
  5. One time a piece of debris got less than 2 kilometers near but it is incredibly rare since I usually delete space debris
  6. I did a few contracts in a new career save including a space station and a keosinchronous satellite
  7. I totally agree that the start should be unkerballed BUT full SAS capability should be given way earlier than now
  8. Is there shipping to south america? Argentina in particular
  9. oh I see and it is a pretty good decision keep up the great work!
  10. It looks very good! I like that even if it is based around the Milennium Falcon is different enough to make it look unique ¡good job!
  11. When they are important missions or stations and things I care normally names that say the purpose and stuff like that if it is a mission for a quick contract unnamed spacecraft (but in spanish) or if im feeling like it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  12. just wondering why no EVE or scatterer? is it your new GPU a temporal replace better than the one used on snarkiverse or you simply don't want to use the mods?
  13. The few ways to stop are: adquire inhuman powers and close the game at will -pass out from sleep depravation -Die of starvation
  14. I hope no it won't be good to have the head full of spiders just think how will they get in and it is already disturbing
  15. Nop just me Maybe @Stormpilot will appear again?
  16. Hi everyone I have a problem... it is called KSP2 and my pc. So the problem is that I have a very bad pc -A6 7480 (CPU) -RX 550 2GB (GPU) -8GB DDR3 (RAM) this will not be able to run KSP2 for sure and I don't know how I will upgrade with the least amount of money possible I considered Geforce NOW but I live in... South America. there is no Geforce NOW in south america so I don't know really what to do since prices are super inflated (seriously my RX 550 wich is a bit better than a 1030 is more than 200 US dollars luckily I got mine before when it was 100)
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