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Everything posted by JavaSaBr

  1. Finally have finished my Gilly mission
  2. Possibly yes, but I prefer always to use orbital transport
  3. Return the crew from Gilly surface and go to the Eve low orbit to collect science:
  4. Continue my crewed mission to Gilly surface
  5. I have built my first science space statin on Mun orbit
  6. I don't have enough good details in stock ksp2 to deploy rovers.... so I avoid using it at all.
  7. My failed attempt to discover an anomaly on Tylo
  8. Ubuntu 22.04 Nvidia 3070 RAM 32Gb Even with proton experimental + ROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 have only 6-10 fps
  9. Hi everyone, At first, many thanks for this mod This mod is really nice! But I have several graphics issues with shadows on this mod on linux machine (nvidia 3070 with opengp 4.6) and some error in KSP.log Graphics issues are not reproduced when I run the windows version over steam-proton, but it's not playable for me (KSP works very bad over steam-proton) [ERR 09:43:15.530] Texture 'Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/gray' not found! [LOG 09:43:15.532] Load(Model): Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/flattreeLOD [ERR 09:43:15.533] Texture 'Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/gray' not found! [LOG 09:43:15.534] Load(Model): Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/flattreeLOD2 [ERR 09:43:15.535] Texture 'Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/gray' not found! [LOG 09:43:15.537] Load(Model): Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/flattreeLOD3 [ERR 09:43:15.537] Texture 'Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/gray' not found! [LOG 09:43:15.539] Load(Model): Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/flattreesmooth [EXC 09:43:15.541] MissingFieldException: Field 'KSPParticleEmitter.pe' not found. UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [LOG 09:43:15.542] Load(Model): Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/flattreesmoothLOD [ERR 09:43:15.543] Texture 'Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/gray' not found! [LOG 09:43:15.544] Load(Model): Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/flattreesmoothLOD2 [ERR 09:43:15.545] Texture 'Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/gray' not found! [LOG 09:43:15.546] Load(Model): Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/flattreesmoothLOD2Optimized [ERR 09:43:15.547] Texture 'Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Models/Kerbin/gray' not found!
  10. Hi everyone, I don't see any guide how to install it mannually. Could somebody explain it, please?
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