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Posts posted by Kerb24

  1. With the hilarious results in the original post, I asked this AI what Kerbal Space Program is, and it gave me this. 


    Kerbal Space Program is a sandbox exploration and rocketry simulation game developed and published by Squad, the team behind the 2013 multiplayer shooter," the team stated on its Steam store page.

    The game allows players to start out with little more than some crates and a few raw materials, and according to the game's Steam store page, "you can create and fly the first in-game spacecraft, the Kerbals Space Vehicle, to become a planetary hero."
    The project is the brainchild of Squad, the independent game studio behind "". The game is currently available for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
    IT Director Chris Lye posted on the company's blog that Kerbal Space Program has some processing demands that may make it too intensive for some older devices, and urged developers to test their games on as many devices as possible.
    Lye also pointed out that such a high-intensity game like this will be running in the background on users' devices, and could be running for a long time without them noticing.
    He then reiterated his company's stance that there was no way around it, urging developers to test their games on as many devices as possible to reduce the device impact.
    "We strongly urge developers to think through and try testing as many devices as they can for performance and battery life," Lye wrote. "Test on multiple platforms and multiple device models. We live in an age where devices are so interconnected we have no idea how the end user will be using it. Always test on multiple devices with their own sets of hardware and OS/driver combinations to ensure the best experience possible.
  2. Launch 1: Zarya



    On the pad





    To be honest, the ascent wasn't the best because I was trying to get the inclination right. (And also, I'm still bad at KSP)


    And of course, I forgot to take screen shots of most of the ascent. Well, here it is almost in orbit.


    Final orbit. (Not exactly accurate to real life, but the inclination is correct and orbital height isn't extremely far off)


    Zarya in orbit

    Now I need to build a Space Shuttle to launch Unity.


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