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Posts posted by Kerb24

  1. 1 hour ago, Death Engineering said:


    Death Engineering Apollo to Vall (by way of Mun, Tylo, Laythe and.. Eve..?!?)

    Hi @Kerb24!  Thanks for the fun challenge. I always enjoy anything Apollo-ey and visiting Vall is always worth the effort.

    In this mission, the launcher was closer to a Nova than a Saturn V in order to balance out the mass with the engine requirements. In this design, there are 6 Mastodons on the first stage, 5 Mastodons on the second stage and one Mastodon on the second stage.  The lander used a two stage design with a Terrier on the powered descent and landing stage and a Spark  for the ascent stage.

    Flight Plan

    • Kerbin launch
    • Mun flyby gravity assist: +1
    • Jool SOI entry
    • Tylo gravity brake: +5 
    • Laythe gravity brake: +3
    • Vall orbital insertion and landing: +5
    • Leave Jool SO
    • Eve gravity brake: +5
    • Kerbin SOI and landing

    So I think that's 19 points:cool:  Thanks again for the challenge!

    Photo album:

      Reveal hidden contents

    nrxiVpgm.png Nova 5 with LM on the pad!

    l1RX3yjm.png  Roaring into orbit  KnPhtJem.png

    0goNjPxm.png Escape tower jettison

    vNzL8O7m.png Leaving Kerbin for Mun flyby jQCtvgDm.png

    p1K3Tfjm.png Tylo gravity brake

    OK4X7IGm.png Laythe gravity brake

    vJ7YsT3m.png Vall landing

    NgLtKnCm.png Vall Henge Science!

    EurSVngm.png Dusting off with ascent stage

    7ZldgDem.png Leaving Vall and Jool for Eve

    QJ5aOf6m.png Flying VERY close to Eve... within 1,000m of the atmosphere!

    ncBUnGHm.png Back home after a 23g re-entry!




    Greetings from Vall Henge!

    Saturn - Nova Comparison:





    Good job! I probably should make a badge for this.

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