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Everything posted by T-Bouw

  1. Listen to what Xannari Ferrows says. It comes down to: If you press "S", the control surfaces behind the COM should move UP. In front of the COM, those surfaces (rear of them) should move DOWN.
  2. T-Bouw


    I have seen the original series in the past and especially enjoyed the originality of it all. The beginning episodes were my favorite but the nearer I got to the ending, the more I disliked the psychological mind-screw stuff. It left me almost as depressed as the characters themselves. Can anyone tell me if the folowing series are any better in this regard 2.0,etc?
  3. It really sounds like a game-breaking (literally) bug. Please post a bug-report with all the info. you can muster at the Support subforum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/76-Support-%28unmodded-installs%29 Maybe Squad will take a look into it.
  4. Indeed. I don't know about these recent versions, but I once (I think version 1.0) had to emergency deorbit a Kerbal. He splashed down in the ocean and was unharmed. I did use the EVA-pack and gave as much retro-thrust as possible.
  5. Haha! The thread was in danger to get derailed, but it got back on track thanks to the very thing that caused it to derail in the first place. And mission accomplished! Go Team!
  6. Ah we have a grammar-moderator on the forum. I didn't know that. But know that my use of the triple dots in this case (which actually are sixtuple dots) are meant to make the reader think for themselves. Also it conveys a small joke which seems lost on some... (see what I did there? you know who I meant without me telling it out loud). And two exclamation marks. Yes, those things are invented for a reason which you can google for yourself. Just be glad I didn't type in all-caps. Do you have anything else non-constructive to contribute to the thread?
  7. The same thing that makes your car brake when the engine isn't running. You have a master-cylinder for each axis in the cockpit which actuates the cylinders in the gimbal.
  8. You live in a beautiful country, like most people said here, enjoy it! In the mean time, I'm stuck here in the Netherlands. We might have a heat wave here now, but you know all too well what the rest of the year will look like...... The things that cut into your KSP time are more important. Besides, those concern your well-being in the long run. They may seem like a "chore" now, but you'll feel better once they're done. Especially the wife-thing. A happy wife, makes for a happy man!
  9. I know right? Don't forget about the XFA-27! http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/XFA-27 It's from Ace Combat 2 and the first flyable super-plane in the series. Realy 80's sci-fi-looking and still my favorite! Cool Morgan replica btw. It looks like the "real" thing!
  10. I'd say those almost look like stock numbers, for ordering new parts. They'll be doing that alot...
  11. The Pacman one! It came with full gaming functionality!
  12. Yes, it's strongly implied that this free version comes with al manner of extra data-collection. To me, this is a too high price to pay.
  13. Mech Warrior Online is getting better and better I hear! It used to be quite unbalanced, but that's practically over now. Most of the things you can pay for are obtainable for free as well, the other things are vanity stuff or experience-boosters. None are game-breaking.
  14. Huge stations and huge interplanetary spaceships!
  15. This problem happened to me as well, but the reason, it turned out, was something else: My xbox controller's sticks aren't as precise as they should be. Coupled with the standard low deadzone-setting of KSP, this resulted in a number of my craft to be "spinny". A simple enlargement of the dead zone solved this. Just a little though. Too much deadzone will make handling feel very disconnected.
  16. Hmm...I wanted to post something about blonde hair being extinct in a few decades, but that turned out to be a myth. (fun) fact: A Human has more harmful bacteria in his/her mouth than a dog.
  17. Played 1, 2, 3 and Vegas. Really liked 3 a lot! The little compulsive hoarder in me was even given a burn-out! As a Fallout-fan, I really expected/wanted to like it, hell I don't even care about the graphics, but the trailer didn't show any new elements in it compared to Fallout 3.
  18. T-Bouw

    One line fun

    When the craft you're trying to resque is a craft that tried to resque another craft, you're doing it wrong...
  19. I agree. Just because you can misuse the lab, doesn't mean that you should. Like in Fallout, you can kill every NPC in the game, but you don't have much of a game afterwards... I'dd rather have a game empower me than limit me.
  20. Ah that! The most stupid one I can remember: was going shopping for some groceries. I walked home and when I got there I realized that: I went shopping by bike! Doh!
  21. Wahh, cute! It's a shame about the little corner bugger, though those things can happen.
  22. May I add that, after pressing F5, you could press escape folowed by an Alt+tab (or equivalent), that way other humanoids can (temporarily) use the computer. My GF sometimes has to answer some important e-mails for our sales. Since it's a source of income, I feel it takes precedence. "Kid" is also more important...
  23. You know, I used to think that if mankind puts its mind to it, it can make anything! Sadly, now I know that there's a point at which structural integrity can no longer hold up. That said, It's still a masterpiece that Saturn V is! Leaves me wondering if they can ever realise the proposed similar capability of the SLS block 2.
  24. It sounds strange indeed, but it would be helpful if you could mention the name of the mod in question? Perhaps some folks here, who have more experience with mods, have encountered this already.
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