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Everything posted by T-Bouw

  1. I suppose it is! The Space Shuttle had exactly such a thing for docking or control of the Canadarm.
  2. I got so little time last night to play the latest and greatest. Ahrg! The ideas keep on coming in my head...I...have to...hold on...until...tonight.
  3. Hmmm...you two have the same join date, so that could only mean...Cheetos!!
  4. Well I for one defend/protect my girlfriend and families from each other and themselves in every way. If there's an argument, I play the middle man. If one has a bad/wrong oppinion of another, I immediately correct them. That way I hope things will stay cool before they have the chance to heat up. Sometimes though, situations are beyond my help and I've lost contact with relatives. I don't know if your partner already does this, but you'll have to stand up for each other, for whatever minor thing it is.
  5. I haven't looked at the engine-stats that carefully, but I believe the Wheesely has better fuel-efficiency than the other jet engines. This was the case in 1.0.4 anyway. That has helped some designs of mine were fuel payload was limited.
  6. Granted, but now you'll have to work/go to school in the weekends too! I wish I had my 2 monitor setup back (in working condition!).
  7. Can't wait to get my hands on that MK3 cargo ramp! Hype!
  8. Planes, planes and planes! I don't think I'll even go to space in Career-mode until 1.1 drops.
  9. Hah, mine's about a decimal to the left. About a week since last I checked. So I'm guessing 157. Edit: Hmm, it was a bit higher than I thought!
  10. You two going at it again? Cheaters!!
  11. Aditionally, perform the maneuver with the craft that has the fuel to spare. If that would be the one in an equatorial orbit, give that the polar orbit. Or vice versa.
  12. Well I'm currently trying the "I can munshot Alpha" challenge. Timewarp cannot be engaged when in close proximity to the surface in that version, so I can relate a little. It took too long for too little reward for my tastes. I could have gone for a (coffee)break though...maybe I'll do that the next time!
  13. Use the 4 placement buttons for that. 1;Place mode, 2;Offset mode (that's the one you want), 3;Rotate mode, 4;Root mode
  14. You should perhaps seek some counseling Spa(aa)ceAddict.
  15. Thanks! Ah, what a beauty. It's a shame many projects like this one get cancelled mostly because of lack of funding... edit: Or another competitor was deemed superior.
  16. Granted, your supercomputer grows a conscience and determines you "unworthy". It causes an explosion of it's overcharged monitor. I wish for a working simpit.
  17. http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/logo.jpg Ah, so that's what's in the buffer... Does anyone by chance know the type of airplane depicted?
  18. When you look at the moon and the KSP themesong starts playing in your head. (yes, that happened to me yesterday)
  19. Now look at what this challenge made me do... It involved piloting from IVA. That introduced a whole new world of pain.
  20. Well, I've taken a shot at this certification, but I find it's pretty challenging even though I've got my share of VTOL-flight. The thing for me is, I'm so hung up on setting a good time that I'm rushing things, throwing the craft around way more than I normally would. I'll keep at it though!
  21. Last night I attempted a landing. All went well until I ran out of fuel on final approach 700 meters above Mün. Just a few more tweaks... Ps. KSP has changed a lot over the years!
  22. Granted, but your first mission is a one-way trip... I wish for it to be weekend right now!
  23. Yes! I'm sooo going to try this! My first KSP version was the 13.3. demo. I eventually completed a mün-landing, but that was a long time ago. So for nostalgia's sake I will try again. You gotta love the impromptu landing legs!
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