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Everything posted by T-Bouw

  1. Finally a node on the aerospike engine! I hope this is also the case for the jet engines, but we'll see... Oh and, HYPE!!
  2. Having an avatar that clearly resembles a fast not-to-be-named blue spiky animal, but employing "subtle" differences to avoid copyright infingement? Cheater!!
  3. Well, I know some techniques that I can't seem to put into practice myself, but I can give you some pointers. You may think your drawing may be bad, but the concept can clearly be seen and is very appealing in my eyes! Only the lines are jittery, but that can be solved: Most drawing programs have a smoothing function. Drawing freehand (especially with the mouse) can leave a jittery line. You can use the smoothing function to make the lines better looking. Another way to improve this drawing, is to trace over it with curved lines. Make a new layer and trace over it using these. Keep at it!
  4. That's what I got out of this old thread I dug up as well. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53161-How-to-break-the-68-years-limit-%28about-2-31s%29?highlight=years Time is counted as a double floating point number which results in a gazilion years. Practically infinite by human standards. Only the displayed clock is finite (68 years). Mind that the thread is 2 years and 11 days old, so I don't know how much KSP has changed in this way, though at the very least you can assume it's not going to be less years ...
  5. Using that argument again against this fellow forum-goer? Cheetah!
  6. Granted, but the Kraken lets you think you use it how only you want while in fact, it uses you like it wants. I wish for a car. Specifically, not many kilometers driven, affordable, not too old and not red or yellow.
  7. Did you mount a separator/decoupler above it the right way around?
  8. If you wait for 15 minutes in the main menu while touching nothing (no, not even the mouse), you'll get this really awesome minigame! I won't spoil it so go see it for yourselves! Touching anything will reset the timer so be patient.
  9. Telling a cheater that told you you cheated a cheater cheater!
  10. Ah, you didn't spell "cheater" the regulatory way. Cheater!
  11. Oh that happened to me as well one day! That power button is placed in such an awkward and "dangerous" place. Right in the palm of your hand.
  12. Hmm, I'm intrigued by this book. I might try looking for it! Watching the series, you develop a sort of sixth sense concerning red shirts. Eventually, you can always predict which one is going to die. On an away-mission, if a red shirt accompanies the senior staff......probably death for the poor chap. If one becomes romantically involved with one from the senior staff...certain death for the poor chap.
  13. I had a close one where I forgot to add a separator between the capsule and orbital-insertion-stage. So for re-entry, the craft was too heavy to land safely. Either the last stage would burn off, or I could use the engine for a power-assisted-landing if I had enough fuel left after retro-burn. It became the last option. Phew!
  14. Oh, I work with computers so much that almost nothing surprises me anymore. Almost... One day I turned on a Windows XP machine and the desktop graphics were all fractal-like. It was kinda pretty actually! I really did not know where to look for that problem. In the end I turned off and on the machine and the problem never came again. Go figure.
  15. Today I learned the basics of working with the new logistics-system at my work. (Yes, it was as boring as it sounds.)
  16. Ha! That's what I thought too when I read the title. Still, lucky guy you are! Or you choose your friends wisely...
  17. Hmm.. I didn't know that. I (people) need to go pee a lot more often when it's colder (like right now!), but there's no explaination for this that acedemics are agreed on.
  18. That's exactly why I asked when I saw that phrase again. I know it's also present in some form on the Up Goer V schematic, and that was posted around the time people started saying it. I think it hapened before I joined.
  19. This was posted some time ago, but it's worth the extra exposure. Fun! On a related note. Is the phrase "You will not go to space today" related to the Up Goer V 1000-words explaination by any chance?
  20. If you like waiting, go for the Xbox one. From what I've heard, you need to update everything, install everything, patch everything and when that's done, hope your controllers connect to the console because even a sneez can disconnect them.
  21. I almost wanted to post: Of course you should rescue him! That's my way when doing Career. But when I do sandbox, I'm less inclined to save Kerbals...
  22. Looks like a very affordable PC to me! I might look into building a PC of my own again after seeing this. Though I'm not so keen on the AMD. I've had bad experience with them in the past. Of course, it would be less affordable if an Intel was dropped in there.
  23. But I thought those were pizza-plates! One kerbal got intoxicated from inhaling monopropfuel-fumes.
  24. Waat? It's all the way out there in the sea! Weird bug indeed.
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