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Posts posted by T-Bouw

  1. For me it goes both ways.

    Because rockets are my workhorses, I don't care much for how they look, as long as their pointy end is up.

    Now planes, those have to look stunning. At the very least like, you know, like a plane.
    I'll go to great lengths to hide ugly stuff inside or cover it up with something else as long as it doesn't involve heavy clipping.
    I dislike heavy clipping more than an "ugly" plane...

  2. 8 hours ago, UomoCapra said:

    Update 1.2 has just entered Experimentals! We’re eager to finally start the next phase of testing and getting ever closer to the 1.2 release.


    During experimental testing a crack team of experienced and hand-picked KSP players will throw everything they’ve got at the game to make it bend, blend and break in many ways. The goal is to catch as many bugs as we can, and to make the game as stable as it can be before we make a public test build available.

    Please read the original post more closely.
    Test build will be available Soontm.

  3. Yeah, it's indeed sad that he died.
    I'm sure it was hard work to be in that "suit" all day every day.

    Still, I'm amazed that he attained that respectable age despite his condition.

  4. It's almost hard to believe that it's a real plane, because it looks totally like a cartoon plane!

    A shame that the study for parasite planes was soon halted.

    Thanks for the find. I've never seen any footage of the thing.

  5. Hmm, that's a shame.
    I thought I had an eureka moment here...:rolleyes:
    The way that you explain it makes sense.

    About the pigment thing. Perhaps a color bar printed out could help in finding the correct color? Trial and error.
    Although going that route is no better than simply using white LED's and illuminating stuff that way. After all, you've got those cool bars!

    I'd stick with yellow then.
    It could be pretty in it's own right!

  6. On 10-8-2016 at 1:48 AM, richfiles said:

    There's not ONE green annunciator LED in the entire lot! They're all yellow! Grrr! :mad:
    I tried a green filter, but that just gives the LED all the lovely color quality of green mud, with just a tinge of "not really brown and not really yellow, but it's yellow". :huh:
    So close, yet so far away! Y U no green annunciators! ;.;

    Perhaps you could try with a blue filter, if you have it.
    Because yellow and blue should make green.

  7. You've gotten lots of good advice from the others here, but I will post one general rule that always helped me stay well within budget:

    If your unsure of buying something, then don't.

    You can use that in KSP and in real life.

  8. If I really feel the urge to jettison waste from my keyboard, which is very seldom, I'll pitch up my keyboard 135 degrees, lithobrake the underside to the surface a few times and clear the FOD that came out, level off the keyboard and come to a landing.

  9. It's not only with Pokémon Go.

    People are being careless in traffic/public places all the time for various "reasons".
    When I'm participating in traffic, I not only have to look out for myself, but also for others that don't.
    I can't even keep count of how many times I've had to ring my bell to stop someone from hurting themselves and me.

    I like Pokémon Go for the good things it instills (social, physical), but some people become so intensely preoccupied that they loose all sense of...well...sense.

  10. Yeah better hold on to that one eh!

    My girl is almost there though haha :wink:
    While I play mainly old games, she always wants to play the latest and greatest, thus she grows increasingly annoyed with our old computer.
    Only a matter of time me thinks...

  11. On 17-7-2016 at 7:12 PM, RainDreamer said:

    So...uh, I hope this question is safe to ask, and if not, then I hope the mod removes it quickly:

    I noticed in the video the female pilots seem to handle high G really, really well compare to some male pilots, and a slight cursory research seems to not point one way or another about that (some say they are better, some say they are not, some say they are the same).  Anyone with more experience in this field can comment about this?

    I heard that the reason that women can handle G loads better, is because they generally have a shorter vascularly system.
    In other words, less blood to pump around means less stress on the heart/body.

    Nothing demeaning if that's what you were afraid off. Just fact.

    When I applied for a career as a pilot, I heard all the time that most women pilots, eventhough there're not many, were great pilots!

  12. The closest I've ever been was Curaçao.

    Is the weather in Trinidad anything like it?

    If so, phew! I tell you, I'm not build for an environment like that.
    Wearing a blouse, shorts and flipflops is almost a must eh?!

  13. While we don't have such extreme weather conditions here in western Europe, I swear, it's getting more weird every year.

    This summer's the coldest it's ever been.
    So much so that some plants are already dropping their leaves, birds are still laying eggs, and I'm still forced to wear a jacked to work.

    This week is much better though.
    Sunday I took a nice stroll along the beach and today we BBQ!

    I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest as it seems this nice weather is getting more and more rare.

  14. Also, should go without saying, dump some programs (temporarily) while you're at it.

    Really, I have two tabs of KSP-forum opened in Firefox and the thing is already eating over 300 MB's.
    The half a dozen updaters running in the background can't be good either...

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