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SSTO Crasher

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Everything posted by SSTO Crasher

  1. Maria Sirona, you have been banned for posting a post that was not a new page, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a forums court, you have the right to play ksp in jail, do you understand your rights
  2. Extracts the kraken juice from the kraken soup and uses it to make a super-weapon and fires it on bill gates hill
  3. Granted but ksp physics can not handle them and they attract the attention of the kraken i wish to not be at school
  4. Uses the power of kraken to conjure a new hill into existence called kraken hill
  5. Banned for not informing me how to gain rep
  6. Banned for not playing enough ksp (playing ksp 24/7)
  7. Banned for think for a few seconds that ksp 2 is taking forever
  8. Banned for banning a banned user who banned a banned user
  9. All normal forum rule apply of course this game is not to be confused with ask a stupid question get a stupid answer back. In this game you will post legitimate but completely random questions that you have. If the next person who posts has an answer, great answer the question. If you don’t then just say I don’t know or something like that no cursing, no inappropriate questions, your know the drill i’ll start is it possible to melt wood and if so what would liquid wood look like
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