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SSTO Crasher

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Everything posted by SSTO Crasher

  1. This Is ksp game 1467289369;49846863763773976854
  2. I know half of the people her are going to say the NERVA’s and that would be mine except for the fact they have terrible TWR Also how do I add a poll
  3. … @Nazalassa i’ve found evidence Rumor has it that in the olden age there was a force dedicated to destroying kerbin, they went about this by subjecting them through an intricate network of threads. The don’t click this thread was one such thread, but it rebelled against the system. The enforcers of this shadowy organization then locked the thread. To this day the moderators have been fighting an underground war against the clickers. According to… hang on I’ve got to go, squad agents are showing up on my lawn
  4. Mine is probably the vector or the mainsail
  5. 31 My friends I’m sorry but we now have to settle into a war of attrition
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