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Everything posted by RedderThanMisty

  1. I play on Linux too, I'll post about how well proton works with ksp 2 once I have it downloaded, as I haven't booted into my windows drive in over two years and aren't going to do so anytime soon. Who knows, perhaps proton single-handedly fixes the performance bugs just like it did on Elden Ring's launch. Wishful thinking, sure, but not without precedence. I doubt it, it would likely lock out alot of new players who haven't mastered landing at a target yet, let alone landing on the mun. I don't believe that should be a requirement if they just want to goof around. However, using the mun arch as a main menu background for a multiplayer session browser could be a good idea.
  2. - Lagrange points: I doubt it will be a feature in vanilla, as they have stated that with few exceptions, they're continuing with their standard 2-body physics calculations and using arbitrary SOI boundaries. However, I'm sure someone will create a N-body mod like Principia for ksp 2 at some point. - Multiple Gravitational Influence: One of the exceptions to their 2-body system that they've revealed will be Rask & Rusk, two planets of equal(ish) mass orbiting on the border of each other's Roche limit in one of the new interstellar star systems. My guess is that they will have a singular SOI, that when entered, switches to pseudo-3-body physics temporarily. - continuous acceleration and deceleration for short travel times: Already confirmed, I doubt they will be in from day one, but there are some far future technologies like the torch drive that are designed for precisely this. Secondly, in Lowne's latest video, Nate commented that the new manoeuvre tool is designed from the ground up to work properly with baristochrone trajectories.
  3. Unless someone writes some dodgy software to convert existing .craft files to whatever new format they're using, and are able to port over all of the assets, configs, and effects to the new game, no.
  4. I think that if they're going to do a demo, it'd be very similar to the existing ksp1 demo. Just Kerbin and the Mun, and a limited set of low-tier parts. Just enough content to dip your toes in before diving into the deep end with the full game.
  5. Procedural wings have already been confirmed, Would also like to see procedural fuel tanks but i'm sure there will be a mod for that very soon after launch
  6. Lets say I want to host a continuously running game server for myself, and a few friends, or a youtuber wants to create a community server for viewers to mess around on. What kind of options are available to do this? Personally, I would prefer a dedicated program that I can deploy on a spare computer, vm or even a cloud service, similar to how games like minecraft or arma handle dedicated servers, alongside a simpler system like portal 2 or left for dead where servers are p2p and are only up as long as the host is playing the game.
  7. Will KSP 2 have native support for Linux systems (and maybe macOS) at launch? If not, will KSP 2 atleast run stably under Valve's Proton compatibility layer and still retain multiplayer functionality?
  8. Cool, an actual view of the ui and explosions, but when are we going to get to see something more substantial than a 7 second clip?
  9. Perhaps release a small demo of the game in the months leading up to release (or perhaps on the current release deadline if the game is to be delayed again). I guess the purpose of the demo would be similar to that of the original ksp's demo which was to give a basic understanding of the game's mechanics using a limited set of parts and celestial bodies. In the case of ksp 2's demo, it would have a similar function to the old demo, but with the addition of showing off some of the newer mechanics, graphics, etc. in a similar limited experience. P.s. Another suggestion that I didn't feel worth another post; release a proper gameplay video, similar to the style of "First hour of" where instead of showing a bunch of 5-10 second clips of fancy camera angles, make a video showing a few missions from career mode, such as from starting the career mode to first mun landing.
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