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  1. I think the idea is that the air needs to be compressed first - otherwise you could just pile some RCS on an intake and fly for free.
  2. Maybe it would be possible using Kerbal Konstructs to shape the terrain? if this is feasible, could I request it as a feature? Flying down stock Kerbin's rivers at mach 2 is really fun.
  3. Just wondering, does JNSQ Kerbin have any rivers like Stock Kerbin does? I don't see any from the tracking station but they might be too small to see from there.
  4. I tried this mod out on MacOS (ARM, not Intel), but my game slowed to a crawl (1/4 of normal simulation speed) even when just sitting on the runway. I assume it's because KSP / Firefly can't make use of Apple Metal shaders at the moment. Is optimized MacOS support anywhere on the roadmap? I also have a couple other mods - would JNSQ, Kerbal Konstructs, or Waterfall cause any problems?
  5. I assume it should... I've never really done anything contract related though.
  6. what is this exactly? I have never really looked at mods related to contracts, but for the most part this seems reasonable as a configuration file. Do you want to modify an existing configuration, or create a new one? and what mods does this relate to exactly?
  7. Yknow, I probably should have linked this in the OP - I'll do that
  8. I mainly refer to this: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Handbook It's where I got nearly all the info for this thread.
  9. I don't think klaws can attach to the ground or structures like the Tylo cave. And I don't know how the ground anchor will handle such a thing. Maybe the island airfield tower could be a good place to test the use of ground anchors on upside-down surfaces, if it's possible? For something like a mun arch base, you can place a ground anchor on top of the arch and hang below. If the cave roof isn't too thick, it might be possible to offset a claw facing downwards far above the vessel, use timewarp to clip the base all the way through the roof, and then have the claw come down on a ground anchor. Who knows? Only one way to find out!
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