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Posts posted by CreepyShadow

  1. It seems that there is a problem with the 1.25m to 1.875m tapered fairing. It uses the 5 bay service core, which leads to the wedge brackets clipping through the fairing at the 1.25m side. It should probably be changed to use the 4 bay service core instead. Also, a 1.875m cylindrical fairing would be great, but that's not too important.


  2. @Grimmas That's what I thought as well. If you advertise for it and don't mention it elsewhere, people gonna assume it's a feature.

    Btw, The difference I can see is ambient occlusion at the Rocks and Rocket plus quite a bit of bloom around the logo and menu buttons.

    Edit: I've experimented with the main menu settings for a while now and I think I found the problem. Contrary to all other profiles, it doesn't work anymore when you remove the "Default-" prefix. For my own custom profiles I've just named them after the scenes they'll be used in. E.g.: TRACKSTATION, FLIGHT, SPACECENTER etc. This doesn't work for the main menu and if you just name it "MAINMENU" the config won't get loaded. On top of that it also seems to be case sensitive, so "Default-MainMenu" will work,  but "Default-MAINMENU" won't, nor will "DEFAULT-MAINMENU" or any other name that isn't exactly the one mentioned above (to my knowledge that is), which is probably also the reason the default HDR profile doesn't work.

    Hope this could get fixed in the next release.

  3. 2 hours ago, jefferyharrell said:

    I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I don't believe TUFX is intended to work at the main menu or in either editor.

    That could of course be the case, though it would nonethelesss surprise me as there are default profiles for both the main menu and editor. Additionally I actually got the default profile working in the main menu, but I haven't gotten around to test it under all circumstances so maybe it only works when done in a specific way.

  4. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I can't seem to get TUFX working in the main menu and editor. I've read through all the documentation I could find and haven't found anything I may be doing wrong.

    When in the editor I can't select a profile, not even the default-editor one which shouldn't do anything at all (scene is shown correctly, but nothing happens when clicking a profile) and as far as the main menu is concerned, I have no idea how you're supposed to select a profile for it. I tried to name the profile after the scene, so "MAINMENU" but that didn't do anything. Tried a few things, nothing of which had the desired outcome, so I'm just asking here.

    Edit: Main menu works now when editing the default-MaiMenu with the GUI, then manually applying the changes in the config and then quitting to the main menu. No idea why it doesn't work with my profile. Will try further later.

  5. Yeah it seemed like KVV didn't take the ship as reference point put the editor and if something there isn't as it assumes, it get's it's axis wrong. Had cases where it (tilt function) would be just stuck, turning the vessel around the z axis or multple axis at once, seemingly chosen at random. Would ofc be nice if that could me fixed, but I imagine that would basically need the mod to be written all over again in a different way.

    I'd at least put a disclaimer somewhere and flag KVV and VABReorienter as incompatible in CKAN though.

  6. Just a heads up for people downloading this mod. It doesn't work together with Kronal Vessel Viewer. If both are installed then the tilt function of KVV will stop working or behaving very weird.

    @SnarkI only tested this in 1.12.2 as of now so maybe it works in earlier releases and I don't know which mods fault it is, but just to be sure I'm mentioning it here too.

    Just spent ages reinstalling a lot of mods over and over again, one by one to see what broke KVV and I want to spare anyone else from that anguish.

  7. I've been using this mod through quite some releases now with 100% customer satisfaction, but one feature crossed my mind that would be nice to have. Right now the fairing opacity slider is dependent on the fairing offset slider and that one can only go as low as 0.1 offset. Recently I wanted to take a shot without offset, but an opaque fairing and noticed that it isn't possible right now.

    Would be much appreciated if that becomes possible in a future release and from what I could understand while looking through the files it doesn't seem to complicated as well.

    For some reason the tilt function (sometimes it doesn't tilt at all, other times it rotates around it's y axis like with the turn function but slower and other times again it just behaves weird and moves the camera how it wants to) also isn't working in a moderately modified 1.12.2 install though I have no idea why and need to test out some stuff on that front (other modded 1.12.2 installs works perfectly fine, the only difference should be actual part mods. NFT, USI, Restock+, stockalike stations and MkIV spaceplane iirc)

    Edit: Ok, I've reinstalled the entire modset on a different install and the problem still persists, so I don't think it was an install problem. Next I only installed the mods that add parts + ReStock and Magpie and the problem is gone now. Seems like a different mod caused it.

    Edit 2: found the culprit @Kerbas_ad_astra. KVV+VABReorienter doesn't work. Don't know which of the mods is at fault so I also informed Snark in the VABReorienter thread of the problem.

  8. Hi, it seems there is something wrong with the dimensions of the KOOSE chute. If attached to the pod the vessel size jumps from 0.6m/1.2m/1.2m to 23m/10.5m/10.5m (H/W/L) which means that you can't use the pod and chute without upgrading the launchpad first.

    Edit: Apart from that everything seems to work fine in 1.12.2

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