Im not sure how the boiloff module is intended to work. for once the EC use is gone as the little amount the radiators use for the pumps is insignificant. And normal tanks get the module too so the special cryogenic tanks arent different at all. maybe it should instead put out heat at 20K and you use the heat exchanger to raise it to 300K, in which case the EC cost of the exchanger would need to be overhauled too. that way it would make sense for all tanks to have it and normal tanks would get higher boiloff rates. currently hydrogen has like a half year half life. maybe 5x or even 10x for the non-insulated tanks would work. why is it a half life anyway? the surface area of the tank is the same even if half full.
also ive found some bugs. in the cryo tank tab the heat is listed in watts but its actually kilowatts as the system heat tab reports. also if you disable the radiator, the internal heat of the tank climbs to infinity and doesnt reset on reload, making the tank impossible to restart cooling after time warping a long period.