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Everything posted by lammatt

  1. alt f12 check the debug to see if anything went wrong
  2. barometer and termometer gives pathetic science values, so i decided i shouldnt care about the accelerometer and they other one and went for nuclear engine when i was unlocking stuff. nuclear engines can take you so much further than the 215kN and the 200kN things
  3. yes they do, i did an unmanned jool orbit, with a tylo flyby to assist my capture earlier today and that yielded more than 600 science (i hvnt even unlocked the nuclear engine and orange tank and the bigger lander legs, flying by unmanned is probably the furthest i managed, i'd love to land on tylo if i had a couple km/s dv to spare, it now ran out of fuel orbiting jool)
  4. part clipping.... what's the point of playing career mode then you are playing a game mode that the game puts extra part constraints to you and you allow something with debug mode which the game usually doesnt allow. best logic.
  5. why dont you try before ruling other people's suggestions?or else why were you asking at the first place if you arent open to possibilties
  6. well, dont let your center of mass sit too far from the thrust, a slight imbalance of thrust due to rounding off errors accumulates a lot more pronouncedly because of the moment the unbalanced force produced is proportional to the perpendicular distance between the force and the center of mass
  7. landing, and dirt sample from diffent biomes, low atmos flight, high atmos flight, low orbit, high orbit and these multiply by the number of planets
  8. it seems to me, spamming atennas dont improve the transfer loss anyways and the two atennas have different electricity consumption per signal pulse, but their throughput is different too anyways, so i would say, they are pretty much the same
  9. 16 use less electricity per pulse, but the throughput is not as good otherwise, i dont see the difference besides aesthetics
  10. OP's wordz translates into, is part clipping thousands of intakes ok with the career mode well, the fact is, this is still a game how you play according to your own rule. the game doesnt boo you when you cheat as long as you are fine with that
  11. damaged canister probably. try to land on ground instead of water, water tends to kill lander legs and the science Jr
  12. @tavert pretty much explained it, but one thing to add, impulse is also defined as the change in momentum of a body given by the 2nd law F=ma => F dt = m dv so you can understand it as: the higher the impulse, the higher the change in momentum you get.
  13. unlock things in the research building and then fly further for more science to unlock more and fly further for more science to unlock more, rinse and repeat
  14. confuscius: the best people know everything when they are born, the ones know by learning are second, the worse are those who learn when they are facing difficulties, and the worst are those who dont learn regardless (i am chinese, and i translated it myself, i dont know how it is translated formally) my point is, learning something is always good, isnt it? however, you shall enjoy the game the way you like. but you shouldnt shut yourself out from any chance you have for learning something new and appreciating how amazing mother nature is
  15. i dont think so, i cheated my return from Mun because i was a little bit short on fuel since i wasted too much on the landing, i still got around 600science for the round trip
  16. so the crew attributes have something to do with the reports they make? wow this game is deep
  17. everyone buys things on the internet with usd (in some rare cases, euro) regardless where he's at. usually. isnt it the case?
  18. since, in most cases, kickstarted early access things are at a cheaper price than when it eventually is realeased. (i know ksp wasnt a kickstarter) let's guess how much this game will be selling at? (or how much will you pay for the game when it's released; let's say they implement all the promised features) i think $30-35 will be fine (i think i paid ~$15 or so when i bought this when it was 0.12)
  19. i was flying a plane to the airport earlier the day to find out the answer of the same queation, but then i failed the landing a few times, and after three laps circling the airport, i landed but the plane decided to explode (i thought my descend was good tho') so, i would like to know that too
  20. it's indeed quite fun now already that it forces to back into guessing whether your ship is going to space just like how you once started playing.( u dont hv engineer redux or mechjeb in career mode) getting into orbit and landing on the moons are easy enough to do without thos info readouts, but anything further than that is pretty hard, and fun
  21. SCIENCE! ground >airboune > land (water, launchpad, KSC, mountain, grassland, desert, icecap south) orbit mun flyby minmus flyby next stop is Mun landing and minmus landing
  22. OMG... eva gives report too? wasted a few landing
  23. hm... so... does flying by a planet give you a different report instead of that "it seems we are in space"?
  24. launch +land 5 +5 launch 3.5 + orbit in space 5 +land 5 now what? redoing the same things gives pathetic science.... but cant go much further without some BATTERIES
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