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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. No, it looks like you went from 14 to -15. I don't know if that's what you planned to do, but I'll say N 14
  2. spam-er-erspam-er
  3. spam-er?
  4. N 13 I think putting spaces is better for reading. Wow. Nice guys The term "war" sounds too rp, what about calling this a race? Race to +75 of course.
  5. spam
  6. spam
  7. I tried a lot of stuff, changing some parameters etc, and it does not appear to be a bug. Yup, I searched on Google Books, and found this: in a book from 1723. Kerbal seems to be a kind of city.
  8. Especially spamTM
  9. Oh, yeah? Spam.
  10. spam spam spam
  11. spam
  12. spam
  13. spam spam spam spam spam (inspired by Don't Click Me; how long will this one last?)
  14. spam
  15. Oh no spam spam spam
  16. OK, I'm not a perfectionist ;D Egg Sausage and Spam incoming...
  17. ( That was the best version I could find on YouTube, plus it has subtitles in spanish I think )
  18. Just spam plz, spam spam spam and an egg and spam
  19. XD Plus, you kno where I got the idea of this thread... SpaM!
  20. spam
  21. I don't understand why maps are roleplay only now. They weren't before (see page 120)!
  22. spam (basically Don't Click This)
  23. I went on Google Books Ngram Viewer and... Tell me, who's playing KSP in 1730?
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