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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I said -11, Autochrome said -9. Invalid post. So CN was still -11, I assume you said -12 @Souptime so I say -13. P.S Autochrome: Battle two was a Positive win. Pure LogicTM
  2. We're three now! In 2 hours we can win this battle. Maybe we should start gathering troops to make a strong attack. -11
  3. -9 Hi @Souptime Let's win this battle before the Positives come back If we each post every five minutes, not giving up, we can in theory win within three hours.
  4. -7 Sure, yesterday I was still there at 3 in the morning Not gonna give up, come on to fight Negatives!
  5. Actually, one thing would be to release the stuff for free, and then give people the opportunity to give you some money if they want to ("Buy me a coffee")
  6. I don't see the utility of releasing a game for profit, rather than for providing fun to people.
  7. We should discuss about the organization of folders in the repo Like Gamedata/Squad ?
  8. FINALLY!!! I went through EVERY SINGLE POST since page 115 to get all the info we posted about the NW world. Strangely there's only a few Positive posts about it, I thought there would be a 50-50 ratio or the like. @Akagi where do I see invitations on Github?
  9. I said -6, so I assume you said -7 so -8. Yup, I'll see if I see the invite. you know, I really like what happened at page 205.
  10. -6 I'm re-reading this thread to get bits of lore about the NWs and to see how both sides evolved So I learnt that the account Cooki does no longer exist I also found stuff like members leaving the game, some these members are fighting again nowadays. Not targetting anyone BTW Reminds me of old times Page 195
  11. The elusive record of -37 was done at page 173 Currently at page 180 -2
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