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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Tired of having to restart KSP each time you tweak some .cfg file? (I have this problem, My computer is 14 years old ) Introducing... Kerbal File Reload Reloaded Basically, it's just a mod that allows you to reload any gamedata file in-game, without restarting it only to learn that you modified the wrong .cfg. Q: So if my ISRU gear works so well that I need more fuel capacity, I can, without leaving the ship, double its fuel capacity? A: It's impossible to get your tanks full with ISRU, thrust me. But yes, you can. Q: Can I remove crew capacity to a pod without reloading the ship, so my kerbal sacrified itself disappeared? A: Unless you're named Danny2462, that has no use. But again, yes you can. Q: Can you give to this question a negative answer, please? A: No Yes Absolutely not Not a chance Good idea. Q: Could you stop answering my questions? A: Bring me a chunk of ice cream rock from Minmus and I'll stop. ... [HALF A YEAR LATER] ... Q: The rockets were a bit busy (everyone went to holidays I think), but here's some rock from Minmus. Or is it ice cream? A: We're in January, it's not the time for ice cream. So I'll need something else — maybe a tentacle from Bop's Kraken. [Q IS GOING TO SOMEWHERE VERY FAR, HE WILL COME BACK IN SOME YEARS] A: While he's not there, let's steal his computer. Getting tired of answering these silly questions.
  2. Neutron-dispatching-to-make-U235-atoms-exploding-muahahah science
  3. That's like "King of the Hill", no? Well, at the time I'm writing this, it's more "King of the Infinite Sea". So I pick up my hand-made bluto-seria-quanta-sackari-truc-guilliba and then change names.cfg so the names of objects hand-made bluto-seria-quanta-sackari-truc-guilliba and cookie are inverted. You now have a hand-made bluto-seria-quanta-sackari-truc-guilliba and it's my cookieTM now.
  4. Well, we've made it! Congratulations! KSPToasted P.S: That's been a while (at least 5 posts) since the last time we had a meaning-something word.
  5. Unfortunately tidal waves have a quite short lifespan. My calm sea with nothing but water and air on it.
  6. Granted, but they are like Kerbin: they attract COVID and it falls on you! I wish bob stuck his tongue in the science experiment (is the Antarctic ice liquor?).
  7. Because it's xenon engine plumes (that thing behind the engine when it runs). Why did play KSP with Desktop Goose on?
  8. Colorful Minecraft-biome something-that-says-that-it-says-that-is-says-that-you've-somehow-survived
  9. I drop a Z-bomb in your volcano and it erupts, and eventually gets upside-down because of bad weight distribution made possible by the lava rivers. It floods and sinks. My endless, empty sea with an upside-down flooded sunken volcano at the bottom
  10. [WAITER] We use Propellium and Badassium. Wait, why is your jaw on the floor? You've asked for the Kerbal Soup. [ME] Waiter, there's a -__-_-___---_-___------__- in my soup!
  11. Floor 2408: You encounter Dark Vader, he went to the cafeteria to buy a sandwich.
  12. 44 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

    Welcome to the forums by the way.

    T(h)anks! I play KSP since 2017, but I only wanted to have an account on the forum a few weeks ago. So I'm new on the forum ;)

  13. The call got lost or something and ended up to me... I call @SSTO Crasher.
  14. Well @ColdJ, you're active in the forum games. EDIT: Me too
  15. Floor 2405: There's... Nothing? What a waste of time!
  16. OK, but there's no time for you to motivate. I wish Dres to be more interesting.
  17. [WAITER] No, it's an iron bar. [ME] Waiter, there's some homework in my soup!
  18. The Ghast destroys the portal with a fireball.
  19. I un-undo the changes to names.cfg and the hill is now an endless sea. My sea with nothing on it
  20. That's not me, too. Quantum communication to @BlackMesaSurvivor, let's hope the binary particles still have connection.
  21. I see that @AtomicTech is often called. See above for problems with phones, seven posts ago. Anyway, I call back @GuessingEveryDay!
  22. I change names.cfg and a hill is now a Kanyon. My Kanyon with the A-K Motor-vehicle crashed on the bottom
  23. Because 1+1 is not 1. Everyone known it's 2.78. How do you launch a soup into space?
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