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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. N -19 That's because it's taking in account all the battles before page 320, where we started counting on the tally of victories we still have. Planty (*ahem*) of negative-won battles weren't counted. I am trying to add the program but I think Firefox just crashed. -- Upd. -- Done. @AtomicTech, could you please replace the old spoiler in the OP? I don't think it's necessary to include the program. but maybe in this case add a link to (the 4th spoiler of) my previous post.
  2. WHEW! Finished! @AtomicTech the following spoilers contains everything, until the end of page 850 (last page). Complete graph: (note: on which we can clearly see the "train" of positive battles from last summer) Per-battle graph: Statistics: (until page 850, included) And, of course, the program used:
  3. btw, I just found 24 and a half pages without a single negative number. Looks like lost negatives went on vacation last summer. Also found 2 pages that have more than 50% of their posts equal (posts #1 are the same, etc.) --Upd. -- Only 31 pages left!
  4. -- Sure! From page 426, post 19, until page 494, post 10 (or so), total length 68 pages and 12 posts.
  5. By the way: the longest battle (until page 700) is: #18: 10644-12355 [len: 1712] -> Negative
  6. Yeeeeey @AtomicTech in the following spoiler are the 28 first battles (until approx. page 670). I will add more when I'll have finished the thread.
  7. Well, when I do, the CN jumps by 40 or so. We managed to lower it by -40. I think it's fair. N -15 @tajwo @RevanX_LSR @Kerbalsaurus @WaldeB
  8. Well, only the future can tell itself. We beings of the present can only make suppositions, and work probabilities (assuming we have a somewhat correct model).
  9. ... anyone? In other news: between post 1 and post 17000, 29 battles have been fought. #29 continues after post 17000, of course. In the 28 first battles, there has been 13 positive victories, and 15 negative victories. I will update my program so it can graph single battles.
  10. N -15 @Kerbalsaurus I left at page 637 last time. If I can do 40 pages per hour (my average 'bout a year ago) I can probably do it in... say, 5.25 hours?
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