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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Update on Kerbin circumnavigation. The KAN-KAN II has successfully emerged from Kerbin's ocean near 56°S 53°W! It appears it has some serious issues climbing 30° slopes, I hope these are just on the shore. On the seabed I only quicksaved 5 times (in 600 km or so) and I never needed to reload. As soon as I try to go on land: boom! Already reloaded 3 times and it's not even been 10 minutes.
  2. Possible. My only source of information about KSP2 are the forum threads - so I can neither confirm or infirm this atm - but if it were the case, as I often said, that is not physically realistic and thus isn't appropriate for a simulation game. I think "RPG" may be too narrow for this case, since Super Mario Bros (for example; I may also say SuperTux 2 or any game like that) is more "RPG" (as per your definition, or at least what I understood of it) than "simulation", but it's not exactly RPG. It would probably be better to make the distinction between "simulation" and, er... "not simulation", than between "siulation" and "RPG".
  3. I don't think so. Besides, from what I've seen in various KSP2-related threads, KSP2 seems to be considered by most as a 'AAA' game; according to Wikipedia, AAA games are not supposed to be indie games, the equivalent of AAA for indie being III. If KSP2 was an indie game, I should have seen 'III' more than 'AAA', yet I have never found 'III' in a KSP2 thread. To come back to thre main topic of this thread: I think all the easter eggs they added in KSP2 belong more to a "RPG-style game" than to a "simulator", as they seem to be part of a whole story. Besides, I don't think simulation games require such tied easter eggs.
  4. N -56 They only awake on a D100 roll of 1 to 5 in the random keyboard behaviour table, on page 692 of the keyboard documentation.
  5. Update on Kerbin circumnavigation. The rover has been roving on the seabed for 3 in-game days now (so 18h IRL) and is expected to reach land in 4h and 15 minutes. Currently at 47.23°S 58.36°W. Crew moral is nominal, even if Bob has been complaining for the last three hours about the complete lack of sealife and other interesting features.
  6. :hailprobe: @Dakota this "emoji" should be remplemented.
  7. Could you put this magic in a spoiler? Else it's no longer magic.
  8. /me tries to use [pre]/me[/pre] [pre] Preformatted stuff [/pre]
  9. Yeah, see, it all started when I got this letter from Hogwarts...
  10. This thread is so intelligent it can figure out what theme you are using: you are using light theme. you are using dark theme.
  11. Update on Kerbin circumnavigation. KSP has now run for 13h 22min 18sec and the rover is at 34.58° S. Progress so far: (I have done some more roving between these pictures and this post.)
  12. I think I'll rework half of the core. There's a lot of stuff missing in what I've done, namely: Getting the parent of a node Better search function A way to lock part, or all, of a config file Something better than a list to hold the config (class Megalist is coming) And more caveats and issues
  13. Update on Kerbin circumnavigation. Got another drag issue. So I restarted the Kerbin trip for the thid time. This time I used the SAS as a pseudo-autopilot: The rover is currently at 15.56° S, and it's been a day and 53 seconds since launch - make that a day in the water. <screenshot coming soon> Quick math: t(15°)=1day <=> t(90°)=6day=36h Underwater part will take (approx.) 35 to 36 hours. While the SAS keeps the rover pointing south, I can do other stuff, like reading War and Peace (I'm serious).
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