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  1. Thanks. What is weird is i installed the bleeding edge yesterday after the same problem was in Constellation 2021.03.12.01 PRE-RELEASE... don't know how i missed copying that folder 2x in a row... They are working now!
  2. yes modus, USI constellation v: UmbraSpaceIndustries_112.0.1-bleeding-edge.2 Ksp 1.12.3 full mod list: Ok, so they should work. I guess need to do some testing and see what breaks them... thanks.
  3. Yeah, i had both tabs open and posted in the wrong one... Using the entire latest constellation with everything. UmbraSpaceIndustries_112.0.1-bleeding-edge.2 / ksp 1.12.3 i went and posted in the Umbra thread already. Thanks.
  4. I just started playing with USI for the first time since before Wolf. Question about the old FTT containers (had no luck using google). Are they deprecated? none of the containers actually have any storage and are not configurable (square ones or round ones, anything that holds materials from USI). Even if i take one that says Ore on it, after launch there is no Ore storage. Is this by design, or is there some bug in my game? it is a new install (but using many mods) and before i go trying to figure out if something is wrong, i would like to know if they are supposed to still work or not (the cfg files seem like they should still work... so not sure). https://imgur.com/2OK9e7g https://imgur.com/bLZG3Ic
  5. I just started playing again after a year, hoping that all mods are finally gonna be stable since 1.12.2 is final release. I found that this mod was finally actually updated and working (Woot!) but, unfortunately, there is something seriously wrong with it. I lose so many kerbals for no reason at all... they just disappear. I read through the comments here and saw that this issue was reported before and supposed to have been fixed... but, tonight, i just lost 4 out of 7 kerbals. i lost the first 3 just going EVA from one ship to another... everything seemed fine, then when i brought the last one over, the ship was empty... The last one i lost after arriving at the mun. she eva'd to get the science and upon entering the pod she ceased to exist (her science was still available though). and i was left only 2 poor kerbals that survived out of the seven that applied to the mission. Often times, kerbals just randomly disappear , i.e., you have 10 kerbals someplace, you go away and you come back and there are only 9... anyhow, after a week of hoping this will get better just started a new save without this mod and will see how it goes. Not related to the above bug, but you need to give a control for kerbal death (besides maximum average life)... like damn... i move 10 civilians to a new place and 2 of them die within like a week at 17 years old... if someone passes astronaut school they should be smart enough to not just randomly die a couple days after arriving at their destination...
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