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Everything posted by space-wizards

  1. When not using CCK, I do tend to use real names (with the real name patch installed) and don't really care if a named upper stage does not appear. Sometimes for kitbashing I try to look up parts by size, but usually I just go into the menu that sorts parts by size. The only time I search by fuel type is searching for engines using cryogenic fuels (e.g. "liquid hydrogen" or just "hydrogen." I also do search via "cryo" as a search term) I have never searched by function I do use combine search terms when building probes, even with CCK, mostly due to a need to filter down what's on my screen. These are normally searched in the format of "Probe X" where Probe is the name of the probe (Mariner, Pioneer, etc) and X is the number (e.g.. Mariner 2). this normally requires me to type out the full name but due to how the search function lags the game, there is no difference in load time compared to partial terms.
  2. @Pappystein, just as a heads up, the RL-10 update condensing all of the variants into B9 Part Switches broke your Centaur LR119 add-on. When selected, the model does not fully load
  3. Not quite sure who manages the AJ9 patch, but the updated Titan engine parts are not compatible with that patch. Figured a heads up on that would be helpful to someone.
  4. Having a similar issue on my end with the Delta IV fairings. The fairings will not change size regardless of how many segments I input. The models look fine, but will not change length
  5. I'm excited for the interstellar travel and multiplayer system! Should add some interesting and fun new experiences to the game
  6. I apologize if this has been asked before, but does anyone know how to make the fuel cells work when not configured for kerosene/LOX, specifically for the Agena equipment racks and the Gemini service module. I click the B9 part switch button to tell it to use hydrazine, but whenever I activate the fuel cell in flight, it just gives me a notice saying that kerosene is missing. Is this a thing I can fix in-game or do I have to change something in a .cfg file somewhere?
  7. Titan IIIC takes the next generation of Dynasoars to space. Whoever on the dev team put the trans flag as an option for the Titan Transtage has earned my eternal respect. blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/tKbLTQq" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/tKbLTQq"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/tKbLTQq
  8. I've also been getting this a lot lately, especially with JNSQ, Kerbalism, and Skyhawk. If anyone else has a fix, it would be greatly appreciated
  9. There should be an option in CLS on the right-click menu of a docking port that says "open hatch." For some surface-attached parts you have to enable passability while building the craft in the VAB, also with options in the right-click menu.
  10. One issue I'm not sure about. On the Dona lander, the descent segment will not attach correctly. If there is supposed to a a hidden node on the lander engine, it doesn't seem to be loading and the descent tank/leg part will only attach to the bottom of the engine. Any advice on what to do? The mod was installed via ckan, if that helps.
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