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Benzo Kerman

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  1. As soon as you click undock timewarp, the craft may clip into each other but will drift free. Hope this is fixed soon!
  2. I have additionally become curious of this... we have been shown stunning visuals, and then in the recent beta footage, it seems to be a serious downgrade. Besides just clouds, we've been shown some amazing surface scatter: Where'd it all go now? There is no pushing the fact aside: we've seen a definite change in style in the latest images a videos. There are two possible options. 1: the beta stuff is from a build that does not have all the visual aspects incorporated- it could simply not be ready now. It could, if not present at early access, be integrated in a later update. This seems unlikely though, as if they have beautiful stuff, why wouldn't they show it off? 2: as @Bej Kerman has mentioned, they could be trying to go for a set visual style, one that isn't realistic per se, but at least is consistent. This seems quite likely too me, but at the same time personally is disappointing. It just feels a little sad that they have the technology at their disposal, yet have chosen to ignore it or use it in a way that doesn't look as good. When I saw the amazing show and tells showing off the new graphics, I dreamed of KSP 2 having amazing cinematic visuals. But alas, I guess modding is a big planned feature, so it may once again be up to the modders to make our stuff cinematic. Or, you know, it could be option 1... I feel kinda bad about saying this, as all the devs seem to be really passionate people, and just dissing their work like this feels bad.
  3. @KerbalOnKerbin what are your in game graphics settings, like the ones on main menu? If you have reflections on, turning them off can massively increase performance. Hope this helps
  4. Wow. It looks like on these heavy cloud cover environments the true volumetrics really work their magic! Simply amazing dude!
  5. @blackrack I remember a while ago you mentioned that you might leave the scaled space clouds on Jool volumetric because it could look cool. Is that still the plan? And would other planets, namely Eve, have their scaled space left volumetric too? Stunning work.
  6. Pretty sure these are just screen space reflections, they are used by many modern non-raytracing titles. They also look really good too, so we'll definitely see some better looking lighting in KSP 2.
  7. @HansAcker and @dok_377 I have seen this happen using Scatterer 0.7xx when using projector mode which allows the use of stock msaa. Projector mode no longer exists in the latest version of Scatterer, so if you need to stay in 0.7xx use smaa. If you can, update to the latest version as it's taa looks better than both msaa and smaa. Edit: when parallax 2 first released it also disabled like all ambient light. I believe if you download the latest version this has been fixed.
  8. Yeah it is rather complicated. (Explanation time) Here we can see there are three tabs at the top. Right now, we are only concerned about the atmosphere and config points tab. (I mean, lets face it, Duna doesn't have an ocean...) In this image I have the atmosphere tab open, there are only really two things here, the control of Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering. Atmospheric scattering is where light (photons) hits the atmospheric molecules and kinda just bounces around, also known as being scattered. Rayleigh scattering is where the molecules in question are smaller than the wavelength of the light, it is what we see when we look at the sky in real life. During the middle of the day, the light is gets scattered by the nitrogen and oxygen and whatever else there is, and looks blue. The light that directly hits us though is relatively unchanged, and so it is white like it would be in space. During the middle of the day the sun doesn't have to shine through much atmosphere, only what is directly above our heads. But at sunset/sunrise, it has to shine through a lot more atmosphere, just think about it. At this time of day, the sky as adrift with many colors, but mainly: red. The light at sunset that directly hits us is also red. On planets with red atmos, like Duna, this sunset light is blue. In the Scatterer config, the Rayleigh scattering is just directly controlled by rgb values. For Kerbin, for example, you'll notice that this rgb value roughly equals blue. For Duna, red/orange. The ratios between the colors determine how saturated the color will be. If they were all equal for example, the atmosphere would have no color. A little green would make it pale green, and then lowering the other colors would make it a much more intense green. These values also directly effect the thickness. And if you like the color ratios, you can see there is an auto-thicken value to assign. In the config tool you configure Mie the same way. But Mie is different- Mie scattering is where the molecules scattering the light are larger than the wavelength. Mie is dust, water drops and is what clouds are in real life. In Scatterer, Mie is just a haze. Duna's atmosphere has much dust, so you will notice the Mie values are much higher here than other planets. The Mie phase function asymmetry kinda controls whether the Mie looks like a dust haze or a sea fog. The higher the value, the more it looks like sea fog. All the other stuff here you don't really need to worry about, as it is basically just determining the physical characteristics of the planet. The config points tab basically works around the looks generated by the atmosphere. You can change the exposure (both for the sky and scattering,) and other than that, there is not much to worry about. When you get it the way you like it, hit save and it will save to wherever it is pulling the cfg files from. If you mess up, just change scenes and it will go back. A good way to this is to make a quicksave if you are changing it from flight, and then reload. If in tracking station, just leave and come back. I learned entirely from messing around- don't be afraid to experiment. There is also a wiki explaining some of the other config point stuff: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/wiki Also, if the text in the "cfg file used" part is red, delete the AVP Scatterer config folder. If you want, I can also send you my Duna Scatterer configs, if you like the way they look. Have fun, this is something that will make more sense with time and experimenting and is cool to know.
  9. This is actually the way Duna should look, nothing is wrong here. The mod that handles the nice atmospheres, Scatterer, has hanged quite a bit since the release of the AVP trailer. Fortunately Scatterer is easily configurable, if you want to change the look yourself, just hit shift + alt + f11 while on Duna or looking at it in map. This will bring up the Scatterer UI where you can adjust all the characteristics of the atmosphere. It may take some time can take to learn it, but it can be very fun to know, or I would be happy to make you some configs that look like they do in the trailer! Hope I can help.
  10. On a slightly different note, in my government class we were talking about how metro government works in Oregon. I noticed someone mentioned with an intriguing last name. Guys, I have found a real life Kerman:
  11. This is funny because in the latest Spectra update @HafCoJoe and I did this exact thing on Minmus lol
  12. @blackrack on the subject of the volumetrics looking weird from ss, would it be possible to sort of like smooth them out a bit, so they don't look silly as you described them? Sort of like how in MSFS 2020, changing the cloud quality setting just changes how detailed they look.
  13. Hey, @blackrack quick question- you have said there will be decal cloud formations with the volumetric cloud release, but will we be able to configure large scale 3d formations? By this I mean like polar votices on gas giants, or large scale storms, and large duststorm fronts (like the ones we see on mars 100s of kilometers across.) Sorry if this is too early to ask.
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