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Benzo Kerman

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Everything posted by Benzo Kerman

  1. Here, I don't know how hyped to get as there is no mention of this position on the KSP or Private Division website, but it's something!
  2. I beleive the new version of waterfall also requires b9 partswitch, try installing this and see if it helps. Hope you can sort this out soon; waterfall is gorgeous
  3. @HafCoJoe Just in case you didn't know, there is a new Scatterer version that has been quite re-worked since the previous version. I don't know if it is this in particular that causes the sunflare bug, but it does cause some other bugs when using the Spectra Scatterer configs.
  4. This would be a great implementation into KSP2. I like the 3rd idea of having different grains for the player to chose from, and allowing new grains to be researched in the r and d.
  5. I will host a yearly Joolian sky-diving competition! Where only participants who agree with my governing style will get landing craft
  6. Very excited for the new volumetric clouds. When they are released, will the mod still be maintained as EVE Redux or something else, as these clouds are so different from the original EVE?
  7. Looks amazing! I am excited by the other potential applications as well!
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