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Benzo Kerman

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Everything posted by Benzo Kerman

  1. I have done a bit of testing with TAA and can confirm that I see no noticeable streaking issues. However, there are a few bugs. The TAA is not applied directly at launch- instead I have to go the space center, and then back to my craft. The TAA also seems a bit lower quality than in the previous releases of Scatterer, but I fully understand that some sacrafices may have had to have been made in order to get it to work on atmosphereless bodies. But really, great job getting it to work, these are just very small bugs.
  2. This is from AVP, it is meant to look like dust and other particles being kicked off the surface of Moho by the sun. If you dig through the files of AVP you can probably remove it.
  3. I hope that the VAB and SPH music is as, uh- special, as the original's. That music is seriously good jazz. Any words on this @Nate Simpson?
  4. Yeah, I see what you mean, they don't quite look the way the used to. Unfortunatly there nothing really to do about this now, but I guess the flares from this pack still do look better than the normal Scatterer one though.
  5. @Gameslinx Are there plans for some of the other planets to have a sc-fi look, or will it just be Eve? This looks incredible!
  6. @Grem Yeah, although it looks like its working, it doesn't look quite right, does it. I use the Ursa Minor flare from Sunflares of Maar, which still looks good in my mind. Maybe see if you like that one?
  7. @Merlin1809 This still does work- you just need to add the line of code posted previously in this thread.
  8. Do you maybe still mean the issue you reported in the Scatterer thread? Or is it something different?
  9. I wouldn't say that this is a problem- I think it's meant to be that way. If you do want a different sunflare, you could still download Sunflares of Maar. Edit: I see you have posted in the Sunflares of Maar page as well, I can try to help over there.
  10. Oh yeah, your right. However disabling the "Merge depth pre-pass" option still allows MSAA to work. But there is still no built in option for it in Scatterer.
  11. This is caused because of the Scatterer depth buffer mode, which is incompatible with the stock anti-aliasing, which is MSAA. Scatterer disables the MSAA on scene change and replaces it with it's own anti-aliasing. So when you change your settings, you re-apply the MSAA causing the visuals to break. This can be fixed with a scene change, so like a quicksave/quickload, or maybe giong into map veiw and then back. Or you could disable the Scatterer depth-buffer mode in the Scatterer menu, at the cost of having much worse preformance. Hope this works!
  12. I encountered a bug like this on Minmus. I beleive this happens because the rover is slightly clipped into the terrain, I worked around this problem by using the offset tool in EVA construction mode to raise all the wheels up a bit. This was fiddly and sometimes things exploded, so quicksave and give it a try. Sorry I am a bit late to respond, I hope you haven't given up yet.
  13. Maybe try turning down the TUFX bloom a bit. Something does look a little amiss though besides the bloom.
  14. Would it be possible for Scatterer to change the color of stock particle effects at sunset/sunrise, similar to what it does to EVE clouds? I think this would be pretty cool- dust kicked up by your Duna lander scattered blue...
  15. Yeah this seems likely as this is the official stuff- not some random stuff community members ucovered... I honestly don't know. It just shows when it changed
  16. Huh, you do have a point. Maybe there is an option for the devs to choose if they want it to automatically change? Because if you check the Internet Archive page the last time it says it was manually changed was on December 25. Now this may not be exact, as Internet Archive specifies, but there is no activity this year at all on the Steam page, so it is convincing nonetheless. Here is the Internet Archive link: https://web.archive.org/web/20210601000000*/https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal_Space_Program_2/
  17. At the beginning of the thread we did some research and deemed that it most likely automatically rolled over when the year switched to 2022. But it does mean that we are in the planned year of release!
  18. I vaguely remember seeing something like this on Laythe a while back. Maybe try re-installing EVE or AVP and see if it helps. Also, just out of curiosity, are you using EVE Redux or the original EVE?
  19. I beleive this is from the Scatterer SMAA, which can be turned off, but sadly that means you won't have anti-aliasing anymore as Scatterer disables the stock MSAA and the Scatterer TAA is broken. You could try using anti-aliasing from TUFX.
  20. Yeah that seems likely as the last time internet archive says it was changed was the 25th of December- and it still said planned release in 2022. So it probably automatically updated, but back to the original point- it has indeed changed!
  21. I did that just now, it has indeed changed. Still not getting too hyped though...
  22. @PlutoISaPlanet I think you have a point, I think it has changed. It used to say coming soon somewhere else but now it says it in big text where it used to say releasing in 2022
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