Can\'t sleep. Idea\'s burning a hole in my head, so here it is. This system would work best for smaller groups, most likely gamers who already know each other and are working together towards some common goal. Since the main issue with multiplayer is the time warp making trips practical, I have an idea for how to make that work. For those of you that understand the reference, the idea is like this: Spheres of influence: Once you\'re inside/outside a certain area, it really doesn\'t matter too much what\'s going on in another area. Since, primarily, what people are concerned with is Kerbin, Space Between, Mun, and Kerbin-Mun, then all you need is time warps for these. Example: Player 1 (p1) and Player 2 (p2) both travel from Kerbin at different times. p1 reaches the space border first, and then gets set up to go to Mun. Orbit\'s locked in, Ap and Pe are all good, so they hit the time warp. Since p2 is still technically on Kerbin, p1 is able to time warp freely. p2 launches and gets to space, so p1 is pulled out of time warp. Since p1 and p2 are both in the same 'sphere of influence,' they have to vote for it (ideally with some form of configurable condition). The vote succeeds, time warp is set at the level desired until a player cancels it. p1 enters mun sphere of influence, but p2 is still in space. Time warp is now separate for p1 and p2. p1 slows down the time warp since they\'re getting ready to land, but p2 can continue their journey to get to the mun. If p2 accelerates, they see the p1/mun sphere of influence accelerate accordingly. p2 enters the mun\'s sphere of influence, so now they have to vote for it again. Basically, the idea is that the players only use the same 'time acceleration' if they\'re in a similar area or condition. I.e. a player going for a low pass by the sun isn\'t really going to be too terribly concerned with the exact positioning of Mun and Kerbin. A player exploring Mun isn\'t going to be too terribly concerned with someone in low orbit around Mun. Other ideas: - A host-dictator system, where whoever is host is in charge of the time warp (maybe with some time delay before switching to prepare players or allow a cancel), and all the clients are time warped simultaneously. - A players-just-vote system, where all the players have to agree to a given time warp in order to do the time warp suggested by the voter. Yes, I know multiplayer is going to be a logistics hairball. Honestly, I\'d be okay with tolerating ANY form of multiplayer. I\'d really like this, and if some form of rough-in gets implemented, players can test it and the finer points of it can be worked out. Also, as a side note, some form of way to override the 'safeties' on each orbital height would be nice. I\'ve been switching to a ship I have sitting on the ground to be able to time lapse faster, but having a way to do it in-ship would be fantastic.