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Everything posted by hubbazoot

  1. Make sure to put them on a lower stage that doesn\'t have a booster on it, or use a very small engine and attach them right above that. For archiving purposes, here\'s an ascii version. E is for Engine, '[]' is a fuel pod, '|' is a landing strut. Landing struts are 'shown' in the closed position. Method 1: [] |[]E[]| Method 2: [] |[]| e
  2. My first rendezvous, went remarkably well. High-precision landing mission to Mun. Ended up 6m from target. Not bad.
  3. Also, for aligning parts, you have to align the blue spheres on the part, and not the part itself. Frustrating, very. Try to align the camera so the blue sphere you\'re aiming to attach to doesn\'t have anything behind it, and that you\'re looking 'away' from the surface (i.e. if you\'re attaching to the bottom, have the camera up higher and pointed down)
  4. So, I started working for a Kerbonaut 'Shuttle' vehicle and came up with the GPV. The GPV is designed to be able to do a Munar orbit/landing, orbital rendezvous, and even got tested on a 'straight up' burn and got into a low orbit around the kerbol at 5mill m. Staging is a bit complicated, but it\'ll get to Mun with the whole center cylinder, if you aim right. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/51788563/GPVPack.zip Staging: The first stage is the most 'complex.' Wait until the 12 outermost boosters run completely out of fuel. Should be somewhere near 13km. After that, wait until you have 6 empty fuel cans and then jettison that stage. Usually the other 6 stacks are enough to get me into a Munar orbit. Has 8 landing struts, rather heavily overengineered. It IS designed for a powered landing on both Mun and Kerbin, landing on Mun should require next to no fuel from the lander, depending on how you land, etc. Use parachutes for braking on re-entry, ship has plenty of fuel, so use the main engines on a full burn to help brake, too. Edit: The IX version (highest numbered) is the 'most stable.' Earlier versions may or may not wobble, fall apart, etc. I\'m pretty sure I tossed in one that explodes from some internal strut failing partway through launch, but watching it looked like it just spontaneously and completely exploded.
  5. Seconded for both of these. If you wanna use dropbox, here\'s a link so we\'ll both get an extra 250 mb. http://db.tt/e42NYzGW Default space on dropbox is 2gb, imgur will let you host an image for 6 months, depending on views and such.
  6. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE an MET to a position on your current course on mouseover, that\'d be mucho handy for doing this sort of timing stuff. And semininja, you\'re right, time stays 'current' when you switch back to VAB. Generally, the non-maths method I\'ve been using is to establish a similar orbit about 1km larger, but with the Ap and Pe about as close as I can get them (so they follow the same radial line), and then just fast forward until they get close and shoot in. Seems to work pretty well, but makes for some long mission times. Info about different planets\' orbitals and such can be found on the wiki: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/~kerbalsp/wiki/index.php?title=Kerbin Also, to make the time lapse faster, I usually leave a vehicle on/near the pad to switch to for the time lapse, and then switch back.
  7. A little more 'in-depth' as to how they work: Yes, G will toggle the landing gear, but you want to be going SLOW when you deploy them, REALLY SLOW. The 'hardest' I\'ve come down on them was about 8m/s on Mun with a single fuel can lander, and they stretched quite a bit. I\'ve gotten some more skillz, and my touchdown speed is down to about 1m/s with 4 fuel cans, and even then they kinda warp, especially if I\'m on a hill. Usually, 3~4 legs will be plenty, depending on your weight tolerances, etc.
  8. Can\'t sleep. Idea\'s burning a hole in my head, so here it is. This system would work best for smaller groups, most likely gamers who already know each other and are working together towards some common goal. Since the main issue with multiplayer is the time warp making trips practical, I have an idea for how to make that work. For those of you that understand the reference, the idea is like this: Spheres of influence: Once you\'re inside/outside a certain area, it really doesn\'t matter too much what\'s going on in another area. Since, primarily, what people are concerned with is Kerbin, Space Between, Mun, and Kerbin-Mun, then all you need is time warps for these. Example: Player 1 (p1) and Player 2 (p2) both travel from Kerbin at different times. p1 reaches the space border first, and then gets set up to go to Mun. Orbit\'s locked in, Ap and Pe are all good, so they hit the time warp. Since p2 is still technically on Kerbin, p1 is able to time warp freely. p2 launches and gets to space, so p1 is pulled out of time warp. Since p1 and p2 are both in the same 'sphere of influence,' they have to vote for it (ideally with some form of configurable condition). The vote succeeds, time warp is set at the level desired until a player cancels it. p1 enters mun sphere of influence, but p2 is still in space. Time warp is now separate for p1 and p2. p1 slows down the time warp since they\'re getting ready to land, but p2 can continue their journey to get to the mun. If p2 accelerates, they see the p1/mun sphere of influence accelerate accordingly. p2 enters the mun\'s sphere of influence, so now they have to vote for it again. Basically, the idea is that the players only use the same 'time acceleration' if they\'re in a similar area or condition. I.e. a player going for a low pass by the sun isn\'t really going to be too terribly concerned with the exact positioning of Mun and Kerbin. A player exploring Mun isn\'t going to be too terribly concerned with someone in low orbit around Mun. Other ideas: - A host-dictator system, where whoever is host is in charge of the time warp (maybe with some time delay before switching to prepare players or allow a cancel), and all the clients are time warped simultaneously. - A players-just-vote system, where all the players have to agree to a given time warp in order to do the time warp suggested by the voter. Yes, I know multiplayer is going to be a logistics hairball. Honestly, I\'d be okay with tolerating ANY form of multiplayer. I\'d really like this, and if some form of rough-in gets implemented, players can test it and the finer points of it can be worked out. Also, as a side note, some form of way to override the 'safeties' on each orbital height would be nice. I\'ve been switching to a ship I have sitting on the ground to be able to time lapse faster, but having a way to do it in-ship would be fantastic.
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