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Everything posted by boriz

  1. R.I.P. Roberta Flack. https://news.sky.com/story/roberta-flack-dies-aged-88-13316349
  2. The Most Useful Thing AI Has Done
  3. Enjoyed the film. Just like I enjoyed the book 1984. At the time, I was reassured that it was fiction.
  4. My firewall tells me this is trying to access the internet when I just exit a game normally. I've deleted the file and the game runs fine. So what is it doing and why? And why shouldn't I save myself the trouble and just it delete automatically?
  5. Yes, coal and oil and fission products etc.. Sorry, you were saying something about "more expensive"?
  6. https://scitechdaily.com/chinas-artificial-sun-shatters-fusion-record-with-over-17-minutes-of-plasma/ If this is true, it's a huge step forward towards the hypothetical clean energy future we desperately need. China is famously circumspect with their (often stolen) tech, and they have been caught lying before. But... I'll wait until it's confirmed/reproduced, but I have my fingers crossed, and if it is true, we might actually have clean energy within a generation or two. I'm optimistic. I'm a big fan of government spending on Science, including Blue skies research. Are some governments falling behind? Are the cuts to Science research coming home to roost?
  7. Nope. Watched the whole thing first time around. Fortunately my memory is poor and I can enjoy it again now that it's remastered. I'm watching one episode a week, as originally intended, to simulate the anticipation : ) I recently watched the whole of TOS, UFO, Blake's 7, and Space 1999 the same way. After B5, possibly Enterprise then The Expanse. TNG will have to wait. Seen so much of it that it'll take a while before my memory fades sufficiently. More recommendations for good non-Roddenberry Sci-Fi; Silo, and The Three Body Problem. The original Chinese TV version, just called Three Body, is worth watching too, though it's subtitled, and a bit slow by western standards, but still a great story, sticks closely to the books, and isn't hobbled by the need to shoehorn LGBT characters into it that were not present in the original text. Some items on my shelf. That Predator head is actually a beautifully made container, a limited edition DVD box set: Couple of other facts you might not know about B5. The actor who plays Lennier, Bill Mumy, was the original Will Robinson in Lost In Space. He's also a musician/producer and gathered actors from B5 to make an album, track twelve of which is called It's Just A Tv Show. Of course I have an original, first issue, mint-in-celophane copy : )
  8. Ha. I did this the first time I had an answering machine. Pretended it was me answering but couldn't hear them properly and kept asking them to repeat themselves. It was fun, until someone important rang...
  9. So far as I understand, inertial dampers only work within the ship, like the artificial gravity. It's the reason they don't use seat belts. It shouldn't have any effect on the ships kinetic energy as a whole, that would be down to the impulse engines. But, like I said, your guess is as good as anyone's. I'm sure this stuff has been argued over ad nauseam on fan sites. I figure it's best to not pull on these threads lest it effects your enjoyment of the story. It is after all, Science Fiction : ) If you like your Sci-Fi with a hard S (like me), I recommend you read Arthur C Clarke. Andy Wier is good too. Can also recommend The Expanse. Harlan Ellison is credited as creative consultant on Babylon 5 and received story credits for two episodes. Just watched The Coming Of Shadows. Things are warming up now! *rubs hands in anticipation*
  10. The KAL controller drives them from 0-90 degrees in eight seconds.
  11. Thanks for your reply, interesting suggestion, but the same thing happens with all engines running and 100% battery, so I don't think it's power. It's the randomness that confuses me. Also, I should point out that all of the nacelles are copies of a single nacelle, so there should be no difference. And when I right-click on a failed hinge, it clearly shows that it has been commanded to the correct angle, just as all the others, but the actual indicated angle is 90 degrees off, like it's locked or jammed.
  12. I often see this non-argument raised by trolls. Don't fall for it. This kind of poorly thought out 'fan baiting' serves no purpose other than to attempt to change the narrative. Plato's Stepchildren (ranked the fourth worst episode of TOS) was original, groundbreaking, dramatic, controversial, deliberately uncomfortable, the kiss was contextually important and crucial to the plot, it does not hate on anyone, marginalise anyone (such as straight white males), and incidentally, was banned by the BBC (did I say ORIGINAL?). How is this relevant in any way to the awful ideological reflux which counts for writing in modern, masculinity hating Star Drek?
  13. Plan: Build a heavy VTOL capable of recovering craft manually, rather than just clicking ‘recover’, which is very convenient but I’d like to roleplay the recovery. Problem: The aircraft is coming together nicely, but I’m facing a bizarre intermittent issue that I can’t pin down. I’m using the large G-11 Hinge to articulate the engines on four nacelles. Sometimes they all work, sometimes one or more don’t, and there seems to be no pattern. I just took some screenshots, exited to desktop, loaded the game and tried the same thing again and got different results. What’s going on with these hinges? Is there a workaround? The hinge I'm using: In situ: Before operating the hinges, which are all linked to action group 1: After operating the hinges, two failed: After exiting the game, and trying the exact same thing again, one failed. A different one:
  14. boriz

    Nav icon.

    More context. Flying towards Dessert landing field: Both times I was slightly off on approach. I was trying to follow the nav icon, but it's so big that I could be up to ten degrees off. Where is the real heading?
  15. I Agree. Like a hammer, or a knife, or a gun, or a small quad-copter with explosives on it.
  16. When I turn navigation on, I get a helpful Icon on the ball, but where on this icon represents the actual vector. The precise direction? Is it A, B, C or something else? Asking for a friend : )
  17. I'm watching remastered B5 right now. Part way through series 2. Great TV. Far better than anything we have now, unfortunately. Harlan Ellison's influence was a factor. (He wrote A Boy And His Dog, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, and one of the best TOS stories ever, The City On The Edge Of Forever). Energy shields, inertial dampers, artificial gravity, transporter beams, warp drives, phaser beams, all fantasy sci-fi tech with no real-world physics. Without a real scientific basis, your opinion is just as good as anyone's. Have at it friend. Nowadays, even the writers seem to have no clue and are, to be generous, inconsistent. They are exploiting the genius of Gene Roddenberry in any way they can. Creating something original, like Roddenberry, seems to be beyond TV exec's at the moment, sadly. Personally, I imagine that any energy, kinetic or otherwise, gets splashed/deflected, and distributed around the shield. So that what was a concentrated point of energy is spread around a much larger area. Like this: The ship moves (or rocks, which is common) because although the energy is now much more diffuse, the shield generators transmit the residual to the hull. But that's just how I rationalise Chekov and Sulu gripping their desk while leaning left and right : ) I speak in general terms. I have not watched much of new Trek, because when I do, it sucks. Ultimately, if your suspension of disbelief is broken, that's the fault of the writer/producer, don't blame yourself. Suggestion: Try watching better written Trek. It embarrasses the current IP holder of Trek, but the best recent Trek-like is The Orville. Before that, it was Enterprise (Intro theme notwithstanding). I suggest you test your suspension of disbelief on those. Examples of non-Roddenberry exploitation would be Firefly and Stargate SG-1 and Farscape. All great in their own way, and although influenced by Roddenberry, proper attempts at new sci-fi writing. I miss new sci-fi writing.
  18. As a (former) programmer, AI has never held any mystique for me. Indeed, I wrote my first neural network in the 90's on an "IBM compatible PC", my first genetic algorithm too. But recently, the political will to exploit this emerging tech, and dump huge amounts of money into it without sufficient consideration for potential misuse, or safety issues, has given me pause. Here's a couple of interesting vids on the subject I found recently. Military AI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geaXM1EwZlg Geoffrey Hinton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxkBE23zDmQGeoffrey Hinton
  19. I publicly apologise for my former post. Politics and religion have no place here.
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