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Everything posted by boriz

  1. Yes, you're right, Earths density is not uniform. I have corrected my question. Instead of "at the center of the Earth", it now reads "near the center of the Earth". Better to be precise where possible. Thanks.
  2. I think x^3 relates to the volume, where as x^2 relates to the surface area. Also, I think redshift is a special case of the more general phenomena Doppler Shift. The 'red' meaning it relates specifically to light, where as Doppler Shift can be applied to light, sound, gravity waves, water waves, Mexican waves... I think.
  3. Thank you so much for indulging me guys. Having this opportunity to pick at bigger brains is a tonic, even if half of it goes woosh, over my head. I think my problem stems from a poor grounding in maths. I was the only person in my year that passed Physics but failed Maths LOL. My curiosity exceeds my capacity I'm afraid. But I'm a firm believer that a man's reach should exceed their grasp. I could keep going too... EG: Is there a Lagrange point, that no-one mentions, at the center of the Earth? A zeroth, or L0 point perhaps? (Bear with me). 'Down' is the direction of the CofG of the Earths mass right? And on the opposite side of the planet, this would be in the opposite direction. But near the center of the earth, there is a point where there is exactly as much mass in one direction as in another, the masses kinda cancel and the sum of gravitational 'pulls' reduces to zero, and will increase as you move away from this point towards the surface where the effect switches* and the 'pull' begins to reduce again? (*Would this be called a manifold? Sorry, but my nomenclature lags my understanding somewhat) Now zoom out a bit, so that instead of looking at a single clump of matter, you're looking at something more lumpy, like a galaxy. Wouldn't the same principal apply? So the 'sum pull' experienced by the innermost stars would be proportionally less than those a little further out? With a radius where this switches and the 'pull' begins to reduce again? Wouldn't it also apply to a black hole? Could this principal be extended further, say, to a cluster of galaxies, or even the observable universe? Edit1: Would objects in this reduced pull region, in rotating bodies, be disproportionately effected by centripetal forces? Edit2: And there's more *rolls eyes*: Any school physics book will tell you that as you raise a mass from the ground, you are adding potential energy to it, but what about if you keep raising it? Like 1000miles, or a million miles, surely this function peaks at some point then drops off at a rate proportional to the inverse square of the 'height'?
  4. I kinda assumed that. I was thinking more in terms of the field itself, not the waves. Sorry, should have been clearer. Not a scientist, don't have the terminology Well spotted, that's exactly what I'm interested in. I'm just spitballing some thoughts on the galactic rotation curve anomaly. Never liked the dark matter idea. Not that I reject it, just that until there's some direct evidence, I prefer explanations that fit better with established science than conjure new science. (I'm looking at you String Theory. Eleven dimensions?) For example, what if gravity had two components, one much weaker than the other. The strong component follows the inverse square, the other does not, and falls off much slower, but it's effect is so small it is swamped by the stronger component over shorter distances? Also, while we're here... We now know that Hubble's constant is not constant. Could the speed of light be similarly 'constant'? I.E. Could C be somehow correlated to the speed at which space expands? (Is it even theoretically possible to measure a change in C when your rulers are changing proportionally? *). If C were different in the early universe it would have huge implications for our estimates for the distance of deep objects, and the age of the universe, and other things besides. *If you made a perfect 1m ruler, and you had a snail that always moves exactly 1m/hour, it would take exactly one hour to traverse the ruler. Now fast forward a billion years, space has expanded, the same ruler is now longer but still reads 100cm. You run the experiment again, and according to this ruler, the snail is moving 1m/hour, but this snail has actually covered a greater distance, so it's actually moving faster, isn't it? I think perhaps in order to observe this, you'd have to be outside the universe looking in, if that even makes any sense
  5. Thank you Farmerben , Darthgently . Another... : Gravity 'travels' at the speed of light. So stars on the edge of, say, Andromeda are currently feeling the pull from M31* as it was over 75,000 years ago, and the universe has expanded during that time. What's the gravitational equivalent of redshift? Is there one?
  6. Thank you Darthgently . Another question if I may: Is mass conserved when converted to energy? I.E. As a star loses mass, does the radiant energy (traveling at the speed of light) carry away that mass with the total conserved, but spread over a much greater volume? Or, when the anti-matter annihilated in the very early universe, did the universe have the same total mass before and after annihilation?
  7. Is there a minimum 'quanta' of gravity? The inverse square law means gravity falls off quickly with distance, but does it ever reach zero?
  8. Sir Deddly was listening to an audiobook, when suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door.
  9. I use FreeTube. Can be configured to seamlessly auto-skip all ad's, promotions, embedded sponsorship, intros and outros. Basically everything but the content. Also bypasses the annoying 'sign in' wall for adult content, which is a big bugbear of mine. Can't watch a sexy music video without creating a YT account and providing PHOTO ID?! Have you read Googles (no)privacy agreement? LOL, no thanks. Once in a while YT figures out a way to break FT, but FT quickly issues an update. I've been enjoying YT ad-free for years. I don't know about other countries, but here in the UK, TV ads used to be 'announced' by a small flickering square in the top corner of the screen. As a teenager, I designed a device that would look for this (literally an ORP12 stuck onto the screen) and automatically cut the volume
  10. In 1971, Larry Niven published some insights on Superman's ability to have a normal relationship with a human woman (Lois), given his superpowers, with Man Of Steel, Woman Of Kleenex. (Warning: Adult themes).
  11. Perhaps my grammar was at fault, not my point. I've edited my post for clarity. Better?
  12. Responsibility can only be reasonably determined once all the important facts are known, and currently, they are not. Let's not put the cart before the horse. You realise that whoever is deciding what information to release and when, and how it's spun, is creating a narrative?
  13. Not entirely sure why you would characterize this discussion as "fighting". People can disagree and not be fighting you know.
  14. Which is better? There's only one way to find out...
  15. PDCwolf. You're upset, you want someone to blame, I get it, and I'm grateful there are people here passionate enough to do the legwork and try to make sense of all this rubbish for the rest of us. I'm just pointing out that the information vacuum we currently face is not in itself evidence of anything. I'm implying nothing beyond what I said, "Who knows?". You should not infer anything beyond that. "it's still 11 minutes of him failing to assume any sort of responsibility. " - Yes it is. And there could be reasons for that unknown to you or I. "I firmly believe there's not a single non-backhanded reason for this video" - Believe what you like friend, and you could indeed be correct, but it's hardly a slam dunk is it? Personally I need a little more than belief before I start sharpening my pitchfork. "Never bought into the idea that we can blame everything bad and everything we disagree on to some sort of higher power" - Me neither. Welcome to the thread friend. Do you have anything on topic to say or are you just here to bait someone? It didn't work out too well for the other person that tried.
  16. I don’t think that’s strictly accurate. It’s called ‘virtue signalling’ (see: The Four Yorkshiremen), it’s all the rage with the kids right now. Often just preening and hypocrisy, it’s fairly harmless on it’s own, but what tends to happen is other individuals jump on the band wagon and they try to ‘out virtue’ each other. This can quickly spiral into something much more sinister. Ask J.K.Rowling or Gina Carano (I’m still sore about that one). Fortunately we have a great moderation team on this forum, so it doesn’t get that far, here. Hail to the mods! Which lest we forget, are not getting paid for performing this difficult and demanding service. It’s one of the reasons I’m going to miss this forum, this community, when those pesky 502’s become 404’s. Because TT couldn't handle KSP2. And Nate Simpson had his part to play. (Long on promise, short on delivery). Nate’s optimistic sounding updates may have just been PR, but perhaps that was part of his remit. Who knows? I believe that, like radioactivity*, the truth hates to be confined and will usually find a way out eventually. Honestly, my opinion of Nate has softened somewhat after watching his video as linked by the OP. Perhaps that was the point of it, but cynicism aside, he was obviously struggling to say what he wanted while also honouring his NDA. And he didn’t need to make that video. And he has filled in some blanks, like confirming the seven years hypothesis. He gets some point’s from me for that. He may have been part of the structure of this failure, but he certainly was not the architect. To paraphrase myself: Money flows up, blame flows down. Or Success flows up, failure flows down. Whatever, you get the idea. I hope that whoever takes up the mantle of a sequel to KSP, and whatever it’s called, some of the original devs are involved in senior positions. They had a vision, and what a vision! If the money men can get out of the way, we can still have our next gen KSP. Kraken and all. Hail the Probe! *Fun fact: There is a very special type of high quality steel, of which there is a limited and dwindling supply. It is primarily used in sensitive scientific equipment. It’s exaggerated value comes not from it’s physical properties or how it was manufactured. It’s simply because it was manufactured before July 1945 and has been ‘stored’ safely. (I.E. Under 30 meters of water.) Since then there have been 520 atmospheric nuclear explosions, and an estimated 1,352 conducted underground. This has scattered radioactive isotopes all around the planet. Everywhere. From the frozen poles to the milk in our bowls. And it’s going to be with us for a long long time. And any steel made since the war comes with a small amount of radioactivity that steel made before/during the war does not. It comes from sunken WW2 warships. Primarily (due to access presumably), Scapa Flow in Scotland, where around seventy captured German warships were scuttled after the war. Afraid of radioactive fallout? Relax, you’ve been living in it, breathing it and eating it since you were born. Ok. Maybe this fact wasn’t quite so fun.
  17. "our instinctual need to document everything" - I'm sure there is plenty more to be revealed, but I'll stick my neck out and take a guess that it ultimately boils down to one thing: Profit Motive. Not that making some money is wrong, just that once this becomes the primary motive, and artistry and talent is relegated, we all lose. Who was that bloke who thought it would be a good idea to take micro-transactions to the next level and charge players for ammo in multiplayer games? The gaming 'industry' is relatively new, but it has much in common with the music 'industry', and could learn from it's mistakes. (Auto-tuned cookie-cutter boy bands who can't play instruments and don't even use there own voices?). I use quotes because I believe these are art forms and adding the word 'industry' pollutes it, cheapens it, and makes it an oxymoron. There are plenty of small indies out there still creating original games and entertainment because that's what they like to do, they love it, have a passion for it, and they are good at it, but they are a dying breed. (KSP1, Minecraft, Factorio, Rimworld etc.. Coincidentally some of my favorite games). Look at what's happening in movies and TV. Good writers/producers are being displaced by younger, cheaper ideological writers/producers who work for less so long as they get to spread their message, ipso facto, garbage. (Don't click this link if you're bothered by adult language). Did anyone here watch The Boys? First and second season, awesome. Then, once they had a big audience, a large platform, they replaced some writers (bait-n-switch) who started to use it to preach certain narrow ideological values and completely destroyed it. I couldn't stomach the forth series, it just upset me, it was like watching my favorite pub burn down*. Sadly, gaming is going the same way. At least they are not getting any of my money. I wouldn't touch Steam with a sh*tty stick. I have contacted devs directly to offer them full (undiscounted) price for their game if I can get it without steam and been turned down. I consider that due diligence before seeking an alternative way. GOG is always a good place to start if you're looking for DRM free titles. That's where I bought KSP and DLC's. On a side note, when was the first time you saw the term 'toxic fandom'? A bizarre moniker for your primary customers wouldn't you say? Was it about the time movie and TV writers started favoring their message above actual character and story? When giving the audience what they want, changed into giving them what you think they should have? When entertainment turned into a teaching opportunity? *cough... Dr Who ... Star Trek ... Star Wars ... Marvel ... cough* *Quote stolen from Robbie Williams on The Graham Norton show.
  18. My comments are generalized. They are directed at the gaming industry and those pulling the strings, making the rules, not specifically at TT. Perhaps TT were working with certain constraints about which we know nothing. That NDA is there for a reason. It's possible for a company to lose money yet the CEO personally lose nothing, and indeed still gets a bonus big enough to buy a helicopter. I'm not saying this happened at TT, just that it does happen, and more frequently than you'd think. Does anyone here read Private Eye? Here in the UK we recently had this abomination called a super-injunction. An injunction is where you pay some lawyers to create a zone of silence around your misdeeds. It becomes a prosecutable offense to publicly mention your name, even if the misdeeds themselves are apparent to everyone. Some would say that stamps all over freedom of the press and is anti-democratic, but it gets worse. A SUPER-injunction takes it a step further and makes it a prosecutable offense to publicly acknowledge the existence of an injunction at all. It's ridiculous, and it's a privilege only afforded to those wealthy enough to buy it. I like Democracy, I'm all for it, but this isn't it. Some would call it an oligarchy, I'd go a step further and call it a kleptocracy. (Bitter? Me? No...) But that's a discussion for another time I forget where I heard this phrase, but I'm pretty sure it started as a joke and then became Tory doctrine: "There are no poor people. At least, none that matter". A bit like Orwell's 1984 was intended as a warning, but of late has been treated more like an instruction manual. I guess my point is don't be too quick to judge individuals like Nate Simpson or others on the dev team. They are pretty low on the food chain, your information is incomplete, and that's by design.
  19. Money flows up, crap flows down, TT are also victims.
  20. Yes. And they are a large source of revenue. Directing ads to children is immoral, exploitative, profitable, and qualifies as grooming. But it would seem perfectly legal. I think it's wrong. You think it's wrong. We all think it's wrong. But how do we change it? Complain on social media? Good luck with that.
  21. I disassociate myself from these comments. Therapy is only the solution if you control the therapy.
  22. You think "X/Insta/Snap" is the authority? Do you see how institutionalized you are? Complain away friend.
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