Stock only please. Using a single Juno engine, and no boosters, set the record for various things. Time to location, max speed, max altitude, max duration, max distance etc..
Jeb must be transported and land alive. And no cheaty clipping with fuel tanks and/or aerodynamics please.
I'm currently working on the shortest time to the Island runway. My time is ok (210m/s max), but I keep missing the runway! Grr.
This is what I have so far:
Another good suggestion, thanks. I do prefer to avoid clipping where able though. Small amounts of clipping can be ok for aesthetics, but fully concealing a part ... ick ... too much like cheating.
I was particularly 'tired and emotional' that night. I was having a little Donald Sutherland movie fest. Watched three movies back to back and 'raised a wee dram'.
(Invasion of the body snatchers, The puppet masters, Virus + a whole 70cl bottle of Jim Beam. )
Maybe giant waterlilly farms?
They grow ridiculously quickly, up to two meters in seven days, and grow up to three meters in diameter. That's efficient carbon capture. They could be harvested, say. every two or three weeks and processed into carbon neutral biofuel. And wherever they are farmed, the albedo will be higher, reflecting more of the sun's radiant energy back out to space. The bigger the farm, the better the impact. Win-win.
"Not significant enough weight to actually matter. " - Add half a ton just for aesthetics? Perhaps, but no thanks.
I guess my rockets will look unusual, and there's nothing can be done.