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Everything posted by Alex1234567890

  1. Repositon the probe core.I saw it are under the tank,and you attached the engine under the probe core.Because probe core did not have Crossfeed,so the engine can't ignite because it can't reach fuel rerserves because of the probe core.Position the probe core to under the farings and on the tank.That will fix it.
  2. I just have a new idea.How about combining both planet mods,one KSRSS,one Beyond Home,together?
  3. Could you make the BFR availble soon?I see you depricated the Starship,and I want it have a replacement!
  4. And today i will start my first carrer in KSRSS.
  5. You can change my Skylon(made from stock parts)for RO!Just ensure that you have Tweakscale. This is a picture of Skylon are flying,see from Tracking Station(in KSRSS): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i7F8AMNixYxmFDzyA4StIFKYIln8fDA1/view?usp=sharing Craft file:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FFvIHHhm-YuG5YL8-hzhIvHFkU_hEpux/view?usp=sharing
  6. Good news is I uploaded it on Spacedock.Link:https://spacedock.info/mod/3008/Space Shuttle Pack?noedit=True
  7. I think you are wrong.RealAntennas only add bette antenna/link caculatetions to CommNet.I alerdy read its desc on CKAN and it said that. I think you are wrong.RealAntennas only add bette antenna/link caculatetions to CommNet.I alerdy read its desc on CKAN and it said that.
  8. What is RealAntennas?Give me its thread link,please!
  9. What is your progress on the XR2 and the G42-200 Starliner?I will really like if you release the alpha for both!
  10. please make it 1.1-1.12 compatitble,Redneck!
  11. In my opinion,CommNet is better.It allows we to connet from Kerbin ground stations,not just KSC.And it makes we can transmit data without a stralight connetion,so we can place anntena on everywhere on the craft.
  12. Hello,I know this mod ago,but the link didn't work.So who have lastest version of this mod,please upload it on Spacedock and make a replacement thread?I really like this mod and I really liked to see it reviveial!
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