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Everything posted by fleventeen

  1. I am curious what you mean by this. Did you manually download the mods and then import them into CKAN? I recommend doing a clean install, and then installing RSS + RO from CKAN itself, as it will automatically install all of the required dependencies. It can be easy to mess up if you download things manually.
  2. It is worth noting that while you cannot dock different sized ports in stock KSP, there is a mod which adds universal docking ports which do make this possible.
  3. You might want to check out SMURFF, which is a simpler alternative to RO. The default values are balanced for the RSS system.
  4. I need to go back into my old modded installs and dig up some of the gems in there, but I always get a kick out of these. This one is almost poetic with Kerbin and Mun in the background. Second crewed mission to Eeloo (rescuing a stranded Jeb from the first mission). Had to make some compromises to save weight, so he gets the jump seat, but he is loving it as always. Testing out the robotic manipulator arm.
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