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Everything posted by Ryaja

  1. Or, positives are kerbals and negatives are antimatter kerbals But what are the other people?
  2. Here is your sun baked rocket fuel I want calamari from the kraken please
  3. @jastrone They would either be a slider or buttons with set presets in the engine or in separate nozzles from the engine itself, the would effect the power at different altitudes.
  4. Yes, now @CFYL you indirectly messaged me so you will respond now.
  5. Well @Kerb24 will have like 10 notifications and post eventually Edit: alright let's stop annoying them
  6. Ok, here's your molten iron soup I would like a ramen noodle just 1 please
  7. Nope, now who is this @Kerb24 person?
  8. No, and only minimize double posting ok @Ryaja Yes @Autochrome
  9. The actual engine would be a separate part from the nozzle or have a setting to change the nozzle, if you change your mind just post it.
  10. -60, once one side wins this battle should a new one be made with just a link on this one?
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