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    Space adventurer and Kerbonaut

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  1. Same for me tons of B9PS errors... playing with kerbalism and system heat too. Even after reinstall everything related to B9PS.
  2. My kerbals like to spend time together with a good view and get some warm because of the cold weather
  3. I was curious this works with other mod parts besides stock? like restock or restock+.
  4. I got a similar error after installing Bluedog Design Bureu, I don't think is because of kerbalism @Shadoworgon I was running kerbalism before without any errors.
  5. Hi everyone... I'm using the mod Smart Parts with Kerbalism and JNSQ and most of Near Future mods..... anyone knows if there is a way to make smart parts appear in the automation part from Kerbalism? I want to make this work together with NF capacitor and Kerbalism.... the idea is to the automation to activate the NF capacitors only when below a certain % of the EC and recharge when 100% and return to idle until needed again.
  6. Anyone knows if there is a way to make smart parts appear in the automation part from Kerbalism? I want to make this work together with NF capacitor and Kerbalism
  7. I'm having problem with coast guard mission... all the missions so far the kerbal spawn underwater and won't let me control him to do anything...
  8. anyone know hot to fix to boldly go to work with kerbalism?
  9. Yes I have everything installed... but I discovered the problem.... the latest link don't have the mission decals... so I got the previous one... thanks for the help anyway
  10. How do I find the mission decals? just found the other flags but not the mission one... could you give a help?
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