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Everything posted by JonnySpace

  1. Only recently discovered this mod - it's brilliant thank you. One slight issue I am having (which I think is likely something I am doing wrong) is with the vanguard launch pad. The vanguard rocket seems to collapse on to it when I try and release it (causing a very historically accurate explosion!) I can't work out what I am doing incorrectly. Any help would be much appreciated
  2. Possibly a stupid question but I am having difficulty using the apollo service module - if I try and 'open' it in the VAB and the 'open all bays' option disappears but the shielding remains on so I can't see where to put things. I'm guessing I'm missing something really obvious
  3. This is a great mod, makes launches look so much better. For some reason I seem to be having a problem with the vanguard launch stand - it was working and now it just causes the vanguard rocket (all bdb parts) to explode on launch. I'm sure it's me doing something stupid but I cannot figure it out!
  4. Thanks for replying. Sorry I wasn't clear. I can attach the engine to the engine plate no problem. The issue is when I have finished making the Apollo CSM I can't attach it to the Adapter or put it on top of the lunar module. I can't attach anything to the bottom of the engine so I can't launch the csm! I am probably missing something really obvious here!
  5. First time forum user - this mod is absolutely amazing. My thanks to the mod makers. I've downloaded the latest version and I seem to have lost the ability to attach anything to the Apollo engine. I'm probably being really stupid and missing something but would appreciate any help!
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