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Kerbin Launch Coalition

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Posts posted by Kerbin Launch Coalition

  1. 3 hours ago, MechBFP said:

    I haven't tried it yet, but I assume you can't dock multiple ports together at the same time right? So if you try to dock 3 together then 1 will attach and the others will just be floating there.

    Never tried in KSP2, it however was never an issue in KSP1.

  2. 13 hours ago, cvusmo said:

    Vapor Vent from KSP1 is a bit of inspiration. Eventually the VFX affect that FFT adds will be more dynamic than Vapor Vent was. 

    Two models that add the VFX to any rocket/fueltank:

    1. decoupler style with 4 vents (S, M, L, XL)
    2. Attachable Vent (imagine a light) (XS, S, M)

    Sweet! Wishing you all the best with that, and look forward to seeing the updates. :prograde:

  3. 23 hours ago, munix said:

    Depends on what type of mod you want to make, for parts modding, Lux's tutorials are great, and there's an in-depth written guide as well.

    For code mods, there's my SpaceWarp.Template which gets you started quickly with a fully working C# mod project.

    Either way, I definitely recommend joining the KSP 2 Modding Society Discord server! We have a lot of modding resources and everyone is really helpful, most of the modding done so far has been a very collaborative effort.

    Cheers, I will do just that.

  4. 12 hours ago, cvusmo said:

    Awesome! I'm working on a part that you can attach to any tank and it'll emit a vapor trail. I don't want to force people to only have the vfx on the fuel tanks I make.


    Next Friday I hope to release that and maybe one or two more tanks and some texture tweaks. Specifically the hydrogen tanks. Gotta fix their texture this week

    That's cool, I assume like Vapour Vent for KSP1?

  5. 40 minutes ago, LuxStice said:

    I should also add that the mod WON'T be loaded if you have missing dependencies. And LFO 0.2.0 is a dependecy of the mod


    It worked fine pre-patch, but I uninstalled mods just incase there was issues with 0.1.3.


    Fingers crossed, there's some rather handy parts (namely the quite high thrust but compact engines) and of course grid fins. Big things for those who like boosters that can land! :D

  6. On 7/1/2023 at 1:34 PM, MirabelleBenou said:

    Hello !

    With KSP1, it was quite easy to assemble big spaceships, or do some tweak or modification, directly in orbit in space. How can you achieve the same in KSP 2 ?

    I saw some quite big spaceships, do you overuse docking ports ? Will there be same features as KSP 1 for building or modify in space ?

    Thanks !

    You can absolutely 'assemble' ships in orbit, this is pretty much my *go to* when it comes to going somewhere outside of Kerbin's immediate SOI.


    The main issue with KSP2 is unfortunately the one that plagues the game and genuinely ruins the experience for a lot of people. Wobbliness!


    Docking ports are TERRIBLE in terms of providing a rigid connection between two objects, that may or may not have been fixed in the latest patch (and hotfixes) but I honestly haven't had time to test it.


    That said though, it can be mitigated through design choices, such as keeping thrust to weight on the low end (in vacuum) and minimising the turn/rotation rate of the vessel during manouvering.


    The last thing I built in KSP2 was similar to the vessel seen in the menu screen but it suffered a lot of flexing.

  7. On 7/9/2023 at 12:34 AM, RocketRockington said:

    Another prediction:   Science mode will release 1-2 weeks before the start of another sale.  So science mode will be here in either 3 or 6 months, and be timed so that players who were just waiting for that will pay full price, while players who were waiting for another sale will get a hopefully-improved experience, with PD banking on this update starting to heal the fiscal damage from the underperforming launch.

    I sincerely hope it isn't that far off if I'm honest, but never know.

    On 7/7/2023 at 8:03 PM, adsii1970 said:

    I hope not. One of the things that keeps me coming back to KSP1 is the fact there's no forced storyline. It's a game where I can impose my imagination on it - a blank canvas. There are a lot of games I've purchased through Steam in the early "green light" (later EA) that, at first, did not have some narrative or storyline and were sold as "sandbox" or "free-play." But as the game left beta, there was a story arc that one had to follow to unlock all of the spare parts, craft updates, etc. And for someone who hates to be put into a box - for me, that's a game breaker. No thanks. I do not want to follow a narrative in any game marketed as a "sandbox" game.

    Nope. I have enough politics at work to last the rest of the day. Why can't Kerbals be a utopian society driven by scientific inquiry? The way I see it, maybe their culture approaches spaceflight with an attitude of "What else do we not know about that would be neat to learn?" Followed by, "Now that we have this knowledge, how do we incorporate it into our society?" If only the world's nations would approach spaceflight and space exploration with such an attitude, what problems could we solve on Earth? Natural curiosity is even a human trait that drives individuals to accomplish great things.

    To answer the OP, I'd like to see some open-ended and somewhat silly experiments. Why not allow Kerbals to attempt to grow plants on Duna, the Mün, or some other body within the Kerbin system? Sure, the reports would read, "This experiment did not thrive/grow because plants cannot grow in a vacuum" or something like that, but it could yield science points and experiments that could be used in any biome on any body - including asteroids. Oh, and we know some would attempt to plant seeds on the sides of space stations and giant spaceships (I admit - I'd try it :blush: ). We could also have similar experiments with pouring water on planetary surfaces, ice experiments to see how long it takes water-ice to melt, or even if a firecracker will react on certain bodies. Some of them are campy, but KSP has always been about campy fun.

    I agree in principle, but nothing in nature is 'peaceful', death, struggle, is universal as far as the natural world is concerned. I'm not thinking of turning Kerbal Space Program into a single player, story driven affair but just bulking the 'lore' so to speak out with a bit of narrative. Things like space races, where you're competing with rival nations to reach some perceived strategic high ground, kinda like the Mercury - Apollo era. I'd love to see some substance added to the game rather than just do this, go here, all just for the sake of it. 

  8. On 7/8/2023 at 4:07 PM, LuxStice said:

    Its been a while, well im back on track, and here's the progress so far!
    Mirlin-07Vac plumes!


    MK2 VTOL Plumes


    not on the scope of SORRY but surely can be done for another parts mod! I'll look into it!

    Modding is this dark art, I'm guessing there's nothing like basic tutorials of 'how to add a part to KSP' for example anywhere? I'm competent enough with the likes of Blender but wouldn't have the faintest idea where to start. :unsure:

  9. On 5/30/2023 at 11:01 AM, Lyneira said:

    A nod to political prestige in the backstory of the game (however it is told) couldn't hurt. We'll have multiplayer, and the different launch sites that will exist would presumably also be used by other space agencies. Prestige was definitely a big driver for the push towards the first human in orbit and the first moon landing.  Which is not to say the game must have AI space agencies to compete against in single player. But acknowledging it as one of the drivers, I see no problem with.

    That is absolute truth, the one thing Kerbal Space Program lacks in any real regard is a narrative. I'd much rather see politics involved than just assume Kerbals are this perfect utopian society.

  10. On 5/23/2023 at 9:10 AM, Devblaze said:

    Hey everyone, I wanted to jump in a share my personal take on the topic of a mcJeb for KSP2.

    In my opinion McJeb Is hands down one of the most valuable mods ever created for Kerbal space program. If this mod were to be officially integrated into the game or adopted as a native feature, it would bring an incredible amount of freedom to new players.  Some of you may be surprised to know, but after hours of reading through the discord of Kerbal space program Reddit and the intercept games Discord. I came to the conclusion that veterans and newbies took Kerbal space program Struggle to pilot their crafts. There are various reasons behind this challenge, making mistakes during docking or achieving a stable orbit On a regular basis, can be quite demanding. having some form of automation to assist in achieving a perfect equatorial or polar orbit becomes almost essential, especially for a game that revolves around space flight and exploration.

    Now I understand that many experienced KSP players might immediately argue that piloting is one of the most important aspects of the game, and I respect that perspective. however, I belong to the 1% who actually prefer to focus on building and engineering rockets, rather than piloting them. I never signed up to be a pilot - I lack the skills and interest to navigate the spacecraft myself... If anyone is out there capable of creating this mod, I want you to know that you would personally enhance my experience with Kerbal Space Program tremendously. while it may not mean much to others, it means the world to me. I struggle to Enjoy KSP because I'm a mid-tier pilot who often makes mistakes.

    And this is more targeted to KSP staff. if you are reading this, please put the word out, it is worth highlighting that in real world space exploration virtually all rockets have some form of automated guidance system or autopilot. This fact further emphasizes the significance of incorporating native autopilot controls within kerbal space program. by introducing features like synthetic guidance, orbit guidance and docking guidance, the game would not only enhance the overall user experience, but also mirror the practices and technologies utilized in actual space missions. this alignment with real life autopilot systems would add a layer of authenticity and realism to the gameplay, allowing players to immerse themselves in a more accurate representation of space exploration.

    I would support the idea of automation with regards to docking being a baked in feature *however* not right off the bat. It should be unlocked through a progression system, full on manual being the first step. Then progressing to a limited autopilot system before progressing to full on hands-off docking.


    But I absolutely think learning to dock is one of the fundamental skills that needs to be encouraged rather than 'modded around'. It's how we did it in the real world, the guys on Gemini and what no didn't have the same automation as Crew Dragon for example.  The game needs progression in that respect to reward players for learning.

  11. 4 hours ago, jclovis3 said:

    I wouldn't be too sure on that. While engine thrust may be continuous in ships not in focus for the purposes of interstellar travel, the aerodynamic physics may still be constrained to a physics bubble around the active vessel, which means your de-orbiting parts that leave the bubble will not succumb to drag unless Take2 can devise a performant low calculation way of handling that for parts outside of the bubble.

    Yeah I'd be controlling said first stages. Kinda like how I used to do it on Xbox with recoverable first stages before being spoiled with stuff like FMRS.

    37 minutes ago, Skystorm said:

    @Scarecrow71 You can create interstage fairings by using the engine plate and adjusting the bottom node distance to your liking.  Attaching something to the other end automatically creates a fairing.

    The engine plates have, to date been something to avoid. Have those been meaningfully improved? I haven't had a chance to test the game yet as I'm not at home right now (work).

  12. 4 hours ago, NovaRaptorTV said:

    I just... Don't know what to say...

    While I agree that wobbly rockets are funny, they outstay their welcome within the first hour of gameplay and become more discouraging as time goes on. I know there is the argument of 'add more struts', but I really want to be mindful of the part count on vessels. Especially when they get more and more complex, like say, making the Space Shuttle, interstellar vessels, colonies, etc.

    Granted, I started doing more advanced builds when KSP2 released, like my Saturn V-Centaur I made for the JUICE challenge. I also understand not everyone is going to try advanced building like what I took on, or what creators like Matt Lowne, EJ_SA, or ShadowZone have been doing for years. However, I think wobbly rockets do need to be reconsidered. As should the inclusion of autostrut in KSP2. But that's just me.

    On the plus side, wobbly rockets are somewhat accurate. Look at SLS's onboards during the launch of Artemis 1. But the wobble was in the first couple of seconds of launch, and then the vehicle is stable for the rest of flight. If there is wobble, but it doesn't impact vehicle performance and is only for cinematic effect, then I'm okay with it.

    It's amazing how much that pointless wobble could be fixed by just getting shot of the 'stack of tanks' and replacing them with procedural. But judging by some of the replies people will fight tooth and nail to just have a Kerbal Space Program 1 clone, complete with all the irritating 'Kerbal Physics' nonsense. I don't want an 'easy' game, hell I want something like Kerbalism to be stock, what I want is a game where I'm not penalised because of the half arsed physics/joint system for zero reason in flight.


    I mean really, who wants their rocket to just snap in half for no apparent reason? I doubt I'll see a particularly big show of hands here. Who wants their space station to just wobble itself to pieces for zero reason? Or for 'docking adaptors' to function as nothing more than a bit of Blue Tac. <_<

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