jeb:hehheheheheheeehehehe(val voted)
val:hey jeb sus(jeb voted)
bill:dont bother me,im on laythe and operating isru on ssto!
bob:me too,im resetting science kits and operating deployed science
No one was ejected.(Tie)
the enigneer reassembled the craft and made it so some engine thats providing thrust is providing thrust of -1000000000(a swivel,a dawn,and an o-10)
a:fire the engineer and restore the craft
b:enjoy kal underdriven fuel
that was not fact core though
this is true but the following is false:
he used this paradox as an excuse to kill cats
marie curie invented radiation,making radiation,and dieing of radiation.
the square root of cloth is string
1.I have done a jool 5 mission under 0.365 tons but the challenge owners classifyed it as cheating but i did not hyperedit or alt+f12
2.I have not flown a craft to moho
3.I hate a planet