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Posts posted by Strawberry

  1. 1 hour ago, RalphKerman said:

    I am not sure how to interpret the tech tree screenshot. The top row has "Mun Landing" as an 80 point "technology" in it, but you don't "buy" a Mun Landing, you achieve it via the technology you have bought and resarched in the other parts of the tree. So why would it "cost" 80 points to unlock? Or is that a description of technology you absolutely need to be able to land on the Mun and that technology costs 80 points?

    And there appear to be 4 pages of tech tree for now (guessing by the 4 numbers on top and the scrollbar in the bottom).

    Nate does show off the whole tech tree as of current in the presentation, since the stream is still on going I cant timestamp but it was roughly 2 hours ago. Stream is here: 

     Quality is low so I cant exactly be confident that Im reading these nodes correctly, but each of the four pages of the science tab is themed around a planet (Kerbin, Duna, Jool, and finally Eeloo). I think its likely advancing these pages will be gated by doing missions. The Jool tab has a node that seems to be titled deep space mechanics, so thats likely the mission gate for accessing the Eeloo tab. The duna tab the only thing that seems fitting as a gate is a science node titled modular launches (stream is blurry so I could be very well misreading these), which is interesting. A few other interesting things is that there appears to be aquatic science, and radiation science in the tech tree. I'm hoping someone there took a higher quality video of it that way we can actually firmly read the tech tree.

    1 minute ago, kicka55 said:

    Here an advice as a long Kerbal early access supporter: Don't release the update 2 days before Christmas.

    The team has christmas break so theres an inherit limit on how late it can be for december.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    @ShadowZone posted a new video this morning about KSP2.  The important thing in this video is 20 seconds in where he states Nate will be talking about Science, as well as that SZ will be interviewing Nate at SCD and posting a video about that later.  Watch for yourselves.

    Dakotas sharing photos of Nate and SZ just exploring the muesuem where the event is taking place right now which is nice.

    SW Dennis, Matt Lowne, and everyday astronaut are also at the event and while Im not aware if we’ve heard anything about them being there involving ksp2, i wont be suprised if we get interviews from them as well which would be neat.

  3. 1 hour ago, PDCWolf said:

    He probably knows the topic, maybe, but not the whole presentation. That's my most realistic guess.


    I mean considering that there will be social post sharing whatever new things come out of that event, and making those posts fall under the community teams jurisdiction and theyre likely making them now/already made them, i see no reason to believe that dakota is being left ouf of info because ????. Just because dakota is keeping info from us doesnt mean he doesnt know it, idk if he knows word to word what nate will say, but its pretty safe to bet he knows the main talking points.

  4. 1 hour ago, chefsbrian said:

    Bit weird that the messaging went from "We'll have a post up after the event for you all" per the dev tracker to "Well if it is that big, you should expect a post" 

    To be fair, i think the intent of the comment is less “expect nothing if small news, expect something if big” and more of just “If we’re going into big stuff expect appropiate coverage”. Regardless of if i end up being right about this or not, im very likely reading into it too much. The cm team has generally been good about transcribing news and stuff like that, so if its just a screenshot of a science part we’ll probably see that screenshot, if its how all of science works we will probably see a dev blog about it.

  5. 5 hours ago, chefsbrian said:

    I will admit that I'm disappointed at the associate implication that information the community is desperate for was withheld to be shown off in Germany as a marketing move, I'm also willing to recognize that in all likelyhood, this event was scheduled 6 months ago and they probably thought they'd be showing off something they'd released, along with teasers to new things, rather than still waiting on Science. But this really, really needs to deliver more substantial information than another surface level "this is how hard building these things are" presentation.

    I doubt theyll reveal anything meaningful about science, I'm pretty sure their comm strategy at the moment is "Lets focus on whats right ahead of us and what we are confident we can deliver", and science is still at least two updates away (1.6 is practically confirmed with the comment about wanting to mostly fix wobble before science). If I were to try and pull something out about what I think will happen, I think itll be about reentry visuals. Update 1.5 is likely twoish weeks away, so it would be a good time to reveal what the major feature of that update will be, and reentry visuals is a good candidate for what it will be. Not to mention, they've teased that different atmospheres will have different reentry effects, giving a speech and a dev blog attached about how the hypothetical atmospheric conditions affect how visuals look would both fit with the event, and also give good chances for lots of eye candy. 

    (also this may be reading too much into stuff, but the fact that dakota specificed blog here makes me feel like we're getting a dev blog on saturday as we know we're already getting some sort of comms about what went on for the event regardless, idk could be wrong about this).


  6. 19 hours ago, ConsoleCoder said:

        ⁃    KSP2 will at least 4 planetary systems. There’s the Kerbolar system, the Qeg system, the Debdeb system, and the Tunn system. The Kerbolar system is, of course, the starting solar system.

    There are 4 planet systems in code, however that does not mean that there will be 4 planer systems come 1.0. All offical comms so far have stated that there goal for 1.0 is to have 3 star systems (kerbol, deb deb, and unnamed.). It is very unlikely for there to be more then 3 star systems while in early access.

    Also for a good chunk of those planets, the only info we have on them is from code and the info from code is very limited. The planets gotten from code basically all we know about them is their name, what star system their tied to, and some basic atmospheric conditions, i wouldnt be confident saying lapat has vegetation for example. Also this code appears to be heavily wip and likely old (for example the code listed planets that devs have said will be in deb deb as not being in deb deb and vice versa), stuff can and likely will change in regards to planets

  7. 12 hours ago, PDCWolf said:

    As for the OP's question: They're not gonna tell us. We know from their linkedin that IG is working on another project simultaneously. So either KSP2 is on a skeleton crew, or they really aren't cut for the position. Sadly time has ran out and there's no other way about it, unless they magically showed up with a complete game they had been developing in DBZ's Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

    Offically, these teams are kept seperate and honestly at least when it comes to engineers I have no reason to disbelieve this stance. Like, I wouldnt be suprised if early on for the second game some artists and designers came along and helped kickstart it, but artists and designers just arent the speed limit for ksp2 so like okay. For most of the engineers, it just doesnt make sense to have them work on the second game because the type of engineers ksp2 has arent cheap.

    We dont know much about the second game besides its science themed and probably level based, but its a safe bet that the technical implementation of it is far easier then ksps because most games are. Paul Furio (former tech director who has hired most of the current engineers) approach was as far as i can tell to hire select very talented engineers, you can look at their linkedins and theyre impressive. These types of engineers arent cheap, and using these engineers you hired to focus on incredibly technical issues to do stuff your average unity dev can do is just throwing money down the drain, which seems counterproductive to being a cashgrab. 

  8. If youre refering to no announcement on discord, thats pretty usual there and i think is fine. Its pretty easy to tell theres a new challenge for discord because the topics page will light up. For the no challenge on forums thats definitely an oversight and should be fixed @Dakota(apologies for giving you more work today as i assume youre gonna be busy today).

    I do think the team could get more consistent with things like posting announcements to all the platforms like kerb, it does seem like there should be some sort of shared todo list or something like it for the announcements (stuff like kerb) to make sure no platform is left behind.

  9. 59 minutes ago, didkodidko said:

    Please elaborate on how it's using different  code for physics, aero model, terrain projection, terrain generation and patched conics. Like the real things that makes the difference?l

    To clarify, while the code designs for most of these things are similar (ie both ksp1 and 2 use a pqs system), the actual code is different, as far as we can tell, no code has been straight up copy and pasted. This doesnt neccisarily detract from your point that many of the bugs of ksp2 are due to using similar systems to ksp1, but its an important distinction that needs to be made.

  10. 1 minute ago, PDCWolf said:

    Clearly the conciliation of the player expectations [1][2][3][4][5]

    Most of these are just asking for hotfixes in general, not neccisarily for 1.3, and then just to make sure the community knew that was all the hotfixes for 1.3, they went ahead and clarified. Like, I dont think the communication was bad here, it was pretty implicit that this was it for 1.3, and then just to make sure they made it explicit.

    Its hard to take your complaints about communication seriously when most of them is just ignoring what is said and just hyperfocusing on one phrase completely stripped of context, like tell me again about how nate simpson said “wobble is good” and just convinently ignore the “can” slapped in the middle of the actual quote

  11. 7 minutes ago, PDCWolf said:

    At this point the fact they needed to clarify that "hot"fixes were almost a unique event speaks more about the reality of the game than any snarky commentary I can provide. Nobody has any sort of authority to blame people for not believing them anyways. They dug their credibility's grave all by themselves.

    I mean, tbh I dont think most people were expecting any additional hotfixes for 1.3. I thought it was pretty clear to everyone involved that those hotfixes were just for regressions/bugs that barely avoided getting into the update. Like the team has stated many times that theyre generally reluctant for hotfixes

  12. I think kerb is a part of what they meant by revisiting communication strategy but also the switch to videos is almost certainly part of it as well. Mike being out for paternal leave will definitely slow down comms, so I wont expect the small scale comms  (stuff like directly commenting on reddit/forum threads) to significantly improve in the next few months.

    We know the reentry video took like over a month to make and I assume a lot of the time was just getting the procedure down, once the team gets more used to it theyll probably be able to make videos much more efficently. Im guessing large scale comms (ie videos) will peak in a month and a half or so, but as holidays and paternal leave happens dip to like a 2-3 week cadence.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

    In fairness Factorio was announced 10 years ago, it was in EA for 4 years and its been out now for over 3. We don’t really know a whole lot about the DLC coming out (hopefully) next year.  Frostpunk 2 also comes out next year and all we really know is its gonna have oil. 

    Also they've had 3 years to prep their FFFs for a single year. More communication is good but sadly more communication is complicated.

  14. I realized I never shared my actual thoughts on this thread. Yeah the communication slowdown sucks, I think its a reason for a lot of tensions. I don't think its because the devs are too scared to speak or whatever (honestly the cms talk about as much in the forums pre comm slowdown). If you want the offical CM answer, check below, if you want my analysis I think its pretty explainable by two things. 1. The CMs have been down a member for around two months now, the most drastic slowdown compared to the time of weekly upnates was right after the CM left the team. Having a third of your team leave will seriously mess up your workflows. 2. The CM team is switching to a new format for large scale communications. I think the call to switch to a video format is a good one, the recent reentry video was pretty well received, however the swap to a different workflow will slow you down a lot. I think in retrospect not doing a fullswap from "upnates" to videos wouldve been good that way natural delays and the like in videos dont get seen as the devs abandoning all communications. Both of these fortunately are temporary things, but both hiring a new CM and being able to better regularize video production will take a while to happen. (btw we got a minor update on the getting a third CM back today see below)



    Mildly off topic but also not, for my take on the interplatform communication, its fine. I think there's a fundamental disconnect between "What we (involved community members) would like to know" and "What's actually productive to broadcast out" that I generally try to fill. For example, the unity change wasn't highlighted a lot, it was only posted in the modding discord and the modding subforum on here. I think a lot of people would want to know that the unity is changing as we are a curious bunch, but if you just put something out like that on the unity change, even if you specify its just a change that effects modders, people will either go "Okay and?" or "This means that hdrp is happening in 1.5!!",  both of which arent good responses from your community. 

    I do think where interplatform communication could improve is 1. Communicating the mild scales news gap that dev tracker fills to reddit and twitter feels lacking (disclaimer, I dont use either of these platform for ksp),  I think a link to dev tracker or something like that in the reddit header would be neat. 2. I think that casual communication is inherently hard on the forums because threads are very focused and formal (compared to the more branching and casual discord conversations), however I still think some casual communication would be nice.  Like, I dont think there's any thread to where you could go @ dakota hows the hunt for the new cm going? And it wouldnt be off topic for the thread. But I do think there are times where a cm can casually interject in a thread and add a bit more context. For example I think a tiny two-three sentence comment like the first discord image (would probably have to be worded differently to account for cultural differences) would do a lot for this thread. I think just casual clarifications and microscale news here on the forums would do a long way in the perceived communications gap.

  15. 1 hour ago, PDCWolf said:


    1. "Status: under investigation, some fixes in progress"  [Said June 9]

    For context on this, the kerb specifies that the fixes are applying to one specific bug (engine plates were extra wobbly), and that was fixed.

    Anyways, its nice to see that wobble is getting addressed, not too suprised this is when its getting addressed considering its honestly lower priority then orbital decay, its hell to work around, but it can reliably be worked around. Though Ill acknowledge im not the best accurate judge of either because despite my 100 hours in the game i have not encountered either significantly because i do mission profiles that tended to avoid them.

    That being said i cant really be too excited or dissapointed around how good these changes be when we dont even know what they are. If its just “hey heres autostrut” then im gonna be dissapointed, if theres a clever thing that i didnt think of to address wobble then i wont be.


    (also this is decent evidence for my theory that the videos will tie into 1.5, if reentry is revealed to be in 1.5 through the video on it i will be so smug)

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