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  1. Thank you for taking care of it so quickly, my Kerbin rover project kinda depends on those wheels right now
  2. Hi @Jatwaa, first of all, I love your mod and agree with everyone else it is a godsend to ease up some missions and achievements in a minimalistic and elegant way. I have run into what seems to be a bug with the DriftR AWS rover wheels (I think they are the 'RacingWheel' part). When I am in the runway with a roverMate core featuring two pairs of them attached (I want to use them as they are wider than the rover core and thus, no matter which way it flips they will still touch the surface) I can make them spin by pressing WASD but they will not apply traction. It seems as if they do not touch the ground. When I warp at "four arrows" (50x) speed and keep pressing W or S, the rover still sitting at the starting point on the runway, Physics suddenly break and the rover teleports to several kilometers up into the atmosphere (I got values between 1.2 Km and 2e6 kM in different runs) at a random speed spanning from 0 m/s to several fold the speed of light (>1.150e6 m/s). Other parts from this mod behave normally, and this is why this specific issue struck me with surprise at the beginning. It seems to me like there could be a problem with how the in-game "real"dimensions of the wheel model (in Dr1ftWheel.cfg?) interact with its collision box. I uploaded a vide of the issue here and a complete KSP.log file, initiated immediately before running the game to reproduce the issue here.
  3. Hi @linuxgurugamer, and thanks for your tremendous work on all of your KSP mods, which happen to be consistently within the best and most reliable. I am trying to launch your balloons to explore planets with atmosphere, perform kerbalism low/high altitude biome science experiments and serve as zero-cost mobile relays. For this, I am counting on atmospheric wind dynamics to move my balloons all around the planet, in what I expect will be somewhat of a random walk, spanning long periods of time. Thus, I want to deploy my balloons and leave them alone "hanging" at a predetermined stable altitude in what would be akin to a "very low orbit", and to "see" them at the track station whenever they happen to have their batteries replenished by sunlight at their location, but without me having to care about them beyond that. This would be a very elegant, efficient, zero-cost, passive way of exploration and experimentation, which I was hoping to exploit even further by attaching several balloons, means of horizontal propulsion and of descent to one same craft that could effortlessly land, carry out experiments on a biome and then take off again, working as an early-gamish, slow but terrifically cost-efficient quadcopter or VTOL probe. However, I cannot manage to "leave them hanging" in the atmosphere: the game reminds me I can't leave a craft alone mid-flight. Do you know how to achieve what I want or have you thought of a workaround for this? I find the balloons most useful for autonomous experimentation and transmission of measurements from whole planet surfaces, but am not able to implement my idea. To me, this functionality would enormously enhance the playability of the mod and, in my opinion, make balloons a core part of the space experience, as it is in reality with atmospheric balloon probes, early space balloon tech in the fifties-sixties and so. Unmanned passive balloons like the ones I described here are indeed used by space and meteo organisms worldwide to track and monitor atmospheric dynamics. Thank you again and hope to read your answer, keep up the amazing work.
  4. Hi @FreeThinker, thanks for your amazing mod, it is surprising to me that only KSPIE and PhotonSailor provide light sailing technology models for KSP. Given the game's development has been officially discontinued and the success of your mod(s), have you considered (please) compiling PhotonSailor against the latest version 1.12.3? I reeeally fancy using the sails in the last version. I am nonetheless using it in the latest 1.12.3 without any noticeable problems yet. Thanks for the amazing work!
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