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Everything posted by TomKerbal

  1. New Video: https://dai.ly/k7r2Tg4eGC0CjjCCJTY (I will never understand this Video inserting thing...)
  2. You mean the red dot on the RVAC's bell came from a fire on the outside, not the inside? And why does that cause an explosion? And why can't the bell withstand the heat? Red glow may not be bad at all. I don't understand any of this. It's all just speculation here.
  3. New video, showing the HAB drilling for water on Mars Colony One site : https://dai.ly/k4xIgflVCcm4MaCC3Vs
  4. Paper version 0.1.4 link (in initial entry) In the current version of the paper, I have briefly outlined how the mode of action of a radiation shield could be investigated. The formula for the B-field generated by such a shield is written there and, of course, the Lorentz equation, which would then have to be solved for such a field for an electron (in the case of beta radiation), for example. This might be interesting for physics or mathematics students. I used to work intensively on such things when I was at university, but I don't have the time now. I am happy to give tips here if anyone would like to investigate this.
  5. New video : HAB on colony side (initial page for link) . Enjoy
  6. I have a very clear opinion on this topic: Please don't change anything in terms of content, that's what the many, many excellent mods are for, which are probably at least as valuable as the actual game. Technically, I would like to see a decisive improvement: Shorten the loading times. Other than that, I don't need any bad improvements, really.
  7. In my last video I said something wrong, here is the correction : the hydrogen boil off loss rate is 23g/h, 7.8kg/d, 201.5kg/a, 324 mL/h, 7.8L/d, 2841L/a
  8. Paper updated to version 0.1.3 (see initial post for link)
  9. ERV working on colony side: https://dai.ly/k39O8QhGM7lRsbClB5c
  10. The new HAB landing on Mars - video is online (see initial post) .
  11. I placed my current paper version (very very early) to my new MEGA account: See initial post. The whole thing should be a completely voluntary activity for the common good without any selfish interests. Everyone is invited to take part and of course we will mention everyone in the acknowledgements. Per Aspera Ad Astra
  12. @magnemoe I see it similarly. My first HAB also has four wheels and carries two harvesters, one for water and one for regolith. The landing site is at the colony, and it is abundantly filled with near-surface water ice (see NASA report). Deuteronilus Mensae. However, the first ERV is independent of water ice and brings its own liquid hydrogen for fuel production (based on Dr. Zubrin's book). This would even make it possible to land anywhere on Mars. Elon wants to move a million people there, so there will soon be a lot going on. Who knows if someone will need a ride back to Earth if they get lost. Oh, but we (or NASA) know exactly where there is a lot of near-surface water ice on Mars. @darthgently In any case, water is life. If there is enough will on the part of the people on earth, this will no longer be a problem, as the technical problems are likely to be solved. I am still looking for publications in this direction.
  13. check this : https://marspapers.org/paper/Gurrea_2021.pdf
  14. Super interesting, thank you! Dr. Zubrin has also been presenting his “Mars Direct version 3” with the “Mini-Starship” for some time now. But I was already busy with his version 2 ;-)
  15. I will publish a video soon showing the current version 20A1 of the ERV on Mars. Here it comes: https://dai.ly/krTRUthEoYcjgVCjtAs
  16. Currently I try to do the artificial gravity rotation with a HW-80 winch from the KAS mod. Problematic (but fascinating effects) since this is not a rigid connection.
  17. I also have it in my CKAN mod list. I use it carefully, had some bad experience with it in the past (I think with wheels, or landing legs, which leads to KSP crash), now it seems to be working nicely. I don't know if this mod gives me the fantastic procedural tanks, or RO Tanks, but rescaling the tanks is my daily work.
  18. I replaced the Heat Radiatiors of the ERV outside because I think it is a good idea to have this 450kW heat radiation in a good distance to the liquid hydrogen tank. Not neccessary due to KSP simulation but more realistic in my opinion. https://i.ibb.co/znd8BX2/ERV-New-Heat-Radiator-Place-small.jpg During Mars airobraking and Earth re-entry tests I again saw how important it is to have the center of gravity as near as possible to the craft roll axis. So I rearranged masses again, now having crucial systems like the water recycler, air pressure controller, MOXIE etc. doubled, which is important for redundance anyway.
  19. Artificial gravity 2 years after ERV1, the habitat ship HAB1 flies to Mars with 4 astronauts on board, accompanied by another ERV, the ERV2. During the flight, the TMI (Trans Mars Injection) stage is detached and connected to the habitation unit of the HAB by a long steel cable. The habitation unit and the TMI stage then orbit around each other and generate an artificial gravity that corresponds to that of Mars. Course corrections must still be possible with the RCS. HAB1 and ERV2 land at the colony landing site on Mars after a 9-month flight. Artificial gravity is generated on the return flight in the same way as on the outward flight to Mars. Once on Earth, the steel cable is cut, the habitation unit enters the Earth's atmosphere with its heat shield and then lands on parachutes in an Earth ocean.
  20. So what is this all about ? The aim of this is to show that a Mars colonization by humans can be represented with a KSP that has been trimmed for realism. Based on the book “The CASE for MARS” by Dr. Robert Zubrin we have developed a mission with the realism modification mod ‘Realism Overhaul’ (RO). RO turns the game into a serious real-time simulation that allows you to explore many fundamental problems of space travel. We tried to be very close to the description of the “Direct Mars” mission in the book. We were able to show in advance that the entire mission can be represented with this simulator, although this requires higher masses than described by Dr. Zubrin. However, these masses can be brought into the Earth orbit with the announced “Version 3” technology from SpaceX and flown from there to Mars. With the Starship v3 booster with the Raptor v3 engine, masses >250 tons can be brought into low earth orbit (LEO) in the near future, whereby the booster remains reusable and flies back to the launch tower. The landing site on Mars This is chosen so that there is water ice near the surface and, if possible, nitrogen in the sedimentary rock near the surface. In addition, the climate should be as temperate as possible. The choice fell on: Deuteronilus Mensae, 45 degrees north, 18 degrees east. This is located in one of the two landing zones recommended by NASA https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-020-01290-z
  21. My first KerbalX post today, since the LaunchSystem is ready now I think: https://kerbalx.com/TomKerbal/EXP-STARSHIP-ZIIX
  22. Next Video ready: The re-entry of the LEO injection stage. https://dai.ly/k1LyoiK79UWKRSCba3K
  23. Yes, you are right, I will correct this. Thank you !
  24. Launch and LEO injection of the HAB carrier rocket system : https://dai.ly/k3r5IQAuqPF3ptCaMDq
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