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Posts posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. Oof, it’s been almost two weeks. Sorry I’ve been slow, back to school stuff has had me busy as of recently (honors class homework really eats up time). I have a few missions done, and I still have yet to make a “Press Statement” for @Momadance and The Kerbal Fund. I’l try to get something out this weekend, but if I can’t expect something out next weekend.

  2. Decided to pick back up on building the world or Bruvell a little more. This time, I designed the rolling stock of Bruvell Regional Transport (BRT)


    My handwriting is in runes or something, so I'll translate everything out to you guys here.


    Bombardier ESC-26

    Top Speed: 110mph

    The ESC (Erie Suburban Commuter) is the main train on BRT's commuter services. They run on some of the only electric track in the midwest. The first units were delivered in 2017, and numbered 100-130.


    GE BIT20-DC2

    Top Speed: 105 mph

    The BIT-20DC was built by General Electric in 1988. It was meant to replace the aging diesel fleet, left behind from when BRT was still BRR (Bruvell Regional Railroad). They serve BRT's intercity services to Pittsburgh and Cleveland, but were plauged by several issues. In 2003, General Electric rebuilt them into the BIT20-DC2s. BRT gave them new numbering, 400 to 420.


    Silverspeeder Commuter Cab

    Also built by Bombadier, the Silverspeeder is part of a full ESC-26 trainset. It can seat 24 passengers.


    Bruvellite Multilevel/

    A passenger car built by General Electric, the Bruvellite holds enough room to fit 80 passengers inside. It's used on BRT's intercity diesel consists.


    I used this silver and red color scheme (gave me an excuse to break out my metallic colored pencils), however I might draw some BRR heritage units and redo the paint job on some of these. Maybe put an arrow on the ESC-26 instead of a weirdly square back end. If anybody has any other suggestions, please tell me some. I'd like to detail these trains a little more.

  3. 1 hour ago, GoldForest said:

    Manufacture: ASUS
    System Integrator: HIDevolution US
    CPU: Ryzen 9 7945HX (Going to be honest, I'm an Intel fanboy, but with the 13th/14th generation degradation issues... I wanted to avoid that. I already have a 13th gen desktop, and yes, I have updated the BIOS, so hopefully it will last until my next upgrade. But yeah. I've head AMD before, in like Wally World bought computers, but nothing gaming level. This will be my first AMD gaming machine)
    GPU: Nvidia 4070 (Thought about going 4080, but it was just too much money imo. Besides, my old laptop was a 2070. The 4070 is basically a 2090 in terms of performance, so leaps ahead of the 2070 I was rocking.)
    Screen: 17.3 inch IPS 240hz 2560x1440 (Yep, Quad HD)
    Memory: 64 GB DDR5 4800 Ghz (MODS! MOAR MODS! Wish it were faster though, might upgrade it to faster down the line)
    Storage: 1TB NVME M.2 SSD (Might stick my old laptop's M.2 in it as well for a total of 2 TB)
    OS: WIndows 11 Home (Ugh, wish it were Windows 10, but what you going to do, right?)

    Dang, that’s a nice computer! I’ve never exactly trusted ASUS, but I thinkI just had a bad computer. If you have graphics and a CPU that powerful, are we maybe going to see improved visual mods?




    Administration at Beyond is ecstatic to have a brand new partner in Kerbalkind's conquest of the stars, not least because Kongress may finally start caring about space exploration. The JAMES satellite is an exciting proposition, and the nerds in R&D can't stop talking about if all of these theories about particles and radiation (to the point where it's kind of starting to get annoying). As we speak, the UniSat is already being retrofitted for the mission, and new parts and experiments will be arriving at the cape soon. This mission will be an groundbreaking way point in space sciences and exploration.

    Beyond is proud to call @Kimera Industries a partner, and is excited to see wherever this new partnership leads us!

    -Kerbalsaurus Kerman

  5. For the Commsat program: If you want to reserve your own commsat, please dm your company name, flag, and what you want your commsat to do and what science experiments you want on it.

    I should’ve clarified this earlier.

  6. 10 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

    So, repair shop couldn't fix my laptop since they would have had to replace the motherboard, which essentially the same price as a new laptop. So, I just going to have to get a new laptop. Idk when that will be. The ones I'm looking at are like 3600 to 4000.

    Like is hardly an appropriate reaction.

    Sorry about your PC. Does this mean the end of the thread, or just a really long hiatus on it?


    Deep in Aztec County lies one of the greatest pilots of all time, Jebediah Kerman, the ace from Amaccaca. He’s done it all. He was the first Kerbal to Circumnavigate Kerbin, the fastest flying Kerbal, and the highest flying Kerbal. For a long time he was the spokesman for Junkyard Aerospace Parts, which was in fact so successful for the business they renamed themselves to Jeb’s Junkyard. On this particular day when the agents (or black suits as pilots called them) arrived, Jeb was, well, being Jeb.


    “Hey Jeb, uh, there’s some black suits here to see you,” Bill said over the radio.

    “Ugh, this isn’t about the whole thing with the neighborhood, is it? I did get that family a new pet!” Jeb yelled back.

    “No, they’re here about some- wait, you never told me about the pet.”

    “There’s a reason for that…”

    “So, when will Jeb land?” asked one of the black suits.

    “It’ll probably be a few minutes. He took off around an hour ago, so he’s a few kilometers away at the moment.” Bill said.

    “I see,” said the black suit. “So, uh, what kind of plane is Jeb flying?” he asked.

    “A DE-395 Gyp.” Bill replied.

    “What? Those things haven’t flown since the 1930s!”

    “It was a gift from Jeb’s Junkyard. He said he liked vintage planes, so they gave him a vintage plane. Named it Brown Betty.”

    “Oh yeah, Jeb was a spokesman for them, right? What ever happened to his position there?”

    “Well, when you mix Jeb, a plane, and industrial equipment together, bad things follow.”

    “Alright Bill, clear the runway! We don’t want a repeat of the last landing!” Jeb said over the radio.



    I apologize for the weird suit textures, Texture Replacer had a stroke or something.

    “So what do you two want?” Jeb asked accusingly. “My taxes? I promise I paid them, they’re just… taking a long time!”

    “No Jeb, we’re here about something else.” the agent said. “I’m Jeff Kerman, and with me is Shearer Kerman.”

    “How many hours have you flown Jeb?” asked Shearer.

    “Around 2,000,” Jeb answered.

    “Well Jeb, we have a proposition for you. How would you-”

    “Yes, I think I would like to be a Kerbonaut,” Jeb interrupted.

    “H- How did you know?” Shearer said confused.

    “I’ve read the news. Everyone’s been saying I should go up first. Plus, you have the insignia, like, front and center on the car doors.”


    “Oh yeah… well… I mean we had a whole speech planned out, but I mean… alright, hop in.” Shearer gestured to Jeb to get into the car.

    “Not without Bill,” Jeb protested.

    “Bill? Well, I mean, we considered him, but… Jebediah, can I talk to you for a sec?” Jeff brought Jeb a little ways away from the car and plane. “Listen, I get you and Bill are friends, and we considered him, but Bill’s kind of… let’s say, not all there?”

    “Listen,” Jeb said. “Bill may be a little dimwitted, but he’s one of the best damn engineers you can get. I’m sure you’re gonna need engineers in space.”

    “Well… fine, alright.” Jeff said reluctantly. The two ended their sidebar and made their way back to the car. “Hop in,” he said to Bill. Bill excitedly ran to the car, and the four Kerbals were on their way.



    I just have to pop in and say that THE CAR AND PLANE ARE NOT MINE. I have been short on time, so I scoured KerbalX for some good prop vehicles. Here's the links to them:

    Plane: https://kerbalx.com/DE_Aviation/DE-395-Gyp

    Car: https://kerbalx.com/MicroSwitoo/Kadillac-Ceville

  8. 8 hours ago, Obermufti said:

     I wonder if there is a easier way to color them. 

    Actually, there is.

    You can use this one for more basic recolors, like how you made the nose cones the dark blue.

    This one's for much more advanced recolor options. You can instead recolor specific parts of the textures, and mix and match colors to your liking.

  9. I used the older LEGO City Mars Sets, specifically the shuttle and rocket, and made my own shuttle-booster amalgamation.


    Looking at it, I don’t think it would actually fly all too well, but it’s still kinda cool looking nonetheless.

    I also touched the LEGO VAB I made last year. I added some details to the roof, moved the side hangar to the other side, and fixed up that odd looking rocket. I think it looks a little better now.



  10. 1 hour ago, TwoCalories said:

    (It's referencing the Building Bandit from midway through the old Beyond mission report, when you uninstalled and reinstalled KSC Extended and made lore for it, right?)

    Yes, I’m surprised someone remembers that.




    YEAR 1, DAY 57 - UNISAT 1/TIMMER 1 vQO2H7d.png

    MISSION OBJECTIVE: Launch the Timmer 1 weather satellite into LKO.

    LAUNCH VEHICLE: Prima-1 Rocket


    Today Beyond has launched the first mission in a new satellite program, called UniSat. These serve as observation satellites, and can monitor the weather, traffic, civilians, oceans, topography, and any other Kerbinly sciences you can think of. They’ll also claim the title of first polar satellites.

    Timmer is the satellite program for the Kerbin Weather Bureau. It’ll monitor ocean patterns and cloud patterns, and deliver quick and accurate data on Kerbin’s weather patterns. However, Beyond has expressed interest in using it for a private commsat program too. More on that later.

    The rocket isn’t anything new, just your standard Prima-1. Quite a few people gather on the beaches to watch the launch, and liftoff on the cape goes off without a hitch.


    “Liftoff on Timmer 1!” - Bobak Kerman (Flight Director)


    “GO for stage 2 ignition.” - Chris Kerman (BOOSTER)


    "LV-909 performing nominally.” - Chris Kerman


    “Timmer 1 is now in a confirmed polar orbit!” - Bobak Kerman

    With Timmer 1’s polar orbit it can see virtually every part of Kerbin. The KWB has said they’d like to have a constellation of these satellites in order to have more timely weather data, but this is a good start. In the meantime, Beyond rejoices over yet another successful launch!

    READ NEXT: Kerbals Across Kerbin Still Don't Know How Credit Works (pg. 4) | Great Building Bandit Steals Entire Condo! (pg. 7) | Shoplifter Complains That "Shops are Too Heavy Nowadays" (pg. 11)

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


    Beyond is offering private companies across Kerbin to

    buy a satellite in the UniSat program for either scientific or

    private endeavors. Please contact administration for more


    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

  12. 1 hour ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

    Perhaps make the first pilot Kirk Kerman?

    (Look for Kerbal X, you will find the true first Kerbal is Kirk.)

    I’m pretty sure there’s a veteran option in Texture Replacer.


    Oof, that would’ve been a good one. I’ve already picked out the first kerbonauts though. I even have their stories drafted.

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