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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. If you want yes grammar misteaks are allowed 100% no question about I think it would be very funny to make it seem like children are writing these replies in the game and if people eben kept mispelling things like tyos or doubling up words words and I think that we can get interesting sentences oh and the word and is allowed to be abused to your heart's contrnt.
  2. This game is to make the longest run-on sentence you can like this you can't make more than one sentence per post but you can mix them together it's a run-on sentence other rules are no ranting no complaining no making comments about other people or their posts to this thread just fun hard to read and look at sentences alright now it's your turn.
  3. I just got the Breaking Ground DLC, so I started to make an artificial gravity station, called Kubrick Station. Anyways, I'm struggling to get the ring to work. At first I screwed up connecting it, and it make the whole space station spin. So I tried to fix it, and when I did, it didn't spin at all. And I've been stuck there since, because I just put the game down. Anyone know how to get this to work?
  4. Yeah, it's in the alt+f12 menu. If you click on cheats, it's right there. So pretty much what he said. Wait a second, this thread is 7 years old! Why am I talking?!
  5. If the comet theory was the correct theory, Minmus could be drifting away from Kerbin. This can happen in real life, too. The Moon is drifting away from Earth, several times slower than a snail's pace. Minmus could have been captured at a much closer orbit to Kerbin, but as it drifted away, tidal forces on it would've gotten lower, and Minmus would refreeze. Remember that Minmus is right on the edge of Kerbin's SOI, so tidal forces out there would almost be non existent.
  6. Remember that time in Star Wars when Spock had to kill the Cybermen?
  7. I meant to share this before, but I forgor. So here it is! The High School I go to has "drawing tablets", as in we use IPads with the procreate app on them This project took about a week to do, since I could only do it when I finished what we had to do in art. But the final result looks amazing! Also my friend signed it. I still don't know why I had him sign it though. I had a reason...
  8. I recently got my first drawing tablet for my birthday, so today I drew out Jebediah Kerman. The boots are a bit small, but I think it still looks pretty good.
  9. Well, I’m talking about the KSP 1 Minmus. When I finally get my grubby hands on KSP 2, you can be sure that I’ll make a thread about glassy Minmus’s formation.
  10. This is an interesting point, ans I've heard the theory that Minmus is a captured comet, but if Minmus was captured, than it's orbit would be much much more out there, similar to Gilly. But Minmus's perfectly round, prograde orbit would suggest that it's an object native to Kerbin. Maybe Minmus could be much older than I let on to it being, and could have formed from ice chunks left over after Kerbin's formation early on in Kerbol's history.
  11. In KSP, there's a mod called Free IVA, and I'm wondering if you could implement that into the game but a little less, you know, janky? It's be cool to move you're spacecraft, space stations, and to an even larger extent, even colonies!
  12. I noticed that the flats on Minmus kind of look like lake beds, and some people even call them lake beds. Also, the breaking ground report on Minmus rocks even says that there was once water on Minmus's surface! But how did it happen, and where did it go? Shouldn't a second Kerbin orbit Kerbin? Theory 1: Minmus Bombardment Era We know that on Earth, there was a bombardment era very early in our history. It's belived by scientists that comets brought water to our planet. That water evaporated, causing global rain storms for millions of years, creating oceans. What if the same happened with Minmus? Comets brought water to Minmus, and the gases released from them created an atmosphere for Minmus too. But where did it go? In the Real Solar System, Mars lost it's ozone layer, and consequentially, it's atmosphere . This is because it lost it's heat, due to it's size. It's interior stopped churning because heat escaped it. No atmosphere, no water. Minmus almost certainly suffered the same gloomy fate as Mars. Minmus though is much smaller than Mars, so it's geological activity would've ended very early in it's lifetime. Water would've been there, but not for long. It's a very plausible theory, and probably the most accurate out of the three. Theory 2: Minmus was once part of Kerbin This one may sound a little outrageous, but hear me out. What if Minmus was once part of Kerbin? While not likely, water could've flown up with Minmus after the celestial body crashed into Kerbin. It would also make sense if that large crater on Kerbin is in fact the remnants of Minmus's formation. This would make more sense, as that crater is fairly recent to Kerbin, a few million years or so. If Minmus was the same age, water existed when the impact happened, and went up with Minmus. We know moons form from planets in real life, too. The Moon was created after a Mars sized planet crashed into Earth. The same most likely happened with the Mun. Minmus is several times smaller then The Mun, and an asteroid the the size of Chixulub crashing into Kerbin would be large enough to create a moon. Ratios in this game are weird. Theory 3: Aliens You can't prove that it wasn't.
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