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Everything posted by Bradis

  1. Beale, will you post the unfinished work? I really want to play with this before the update is released on tantares
  2. for some reason, the author does not dare to remove these unused parts. You'll have to do it yourself.
  3. I like it. Are you planning to redesign the rd-107 and rd-108 engines, as well as the tanks in the soyuz launch vehicle?
  4. I wanted to insert an English translation, but accidentally inserted the original)))
  5. Привет bengee10! У вас есть свой собственный сервер discord? Можно ли туда попасть? Hello bengee10! Do you have discord server? Is it possible to get there?
  6. Здравствуйте, Бил! Планируете ли вы добавить российские пусковые мачты и пусковые зажимы? В вашем исполнении это будет выглядеть просто блестяще.
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