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Everything posted by haydne

  1. mod doesn't work whatsoever when i click paint nothing happens. don't download this for the sake of your life because you might try hurt yourself or others after downloading this addon
  2. tried this with a missile rail and it didnt work unless im missing something EDIT: never mind just had to install bd extended and use the rails u said
  3. i saw in the game modes section there was an infinite ammo option so i checked it and it works perfectly for rocket pods and guns but it doesn't regenerate or give infinite bombs or missiles, there is an infinite ordinance setting and i assumed that this would give me infinite bombs but it doesn't. what does this setting do and can i get infinite bombs?
  4. ive been using this mod and im happy with the warp drives and rings but they are cumbersome and if you dont want to use a massive ring you have to use a load of tiny drives so is there anyway i can make it so i can just have one drive and be able to warp at max just with that? i dont mind changing things in files either.
  5. how do u post a pic on here? because i cant paste them
  6. they are all active but it still say it needs more power even though in builder it says it can exceed light speed
  7. my warp dirve says it can exceed light speed but when i actually get up it says flame out cause: need more power (i am past needed altitude). any help would be nice. thanks
  8. I've installed rss through ckan but when I launch the game it say kopernicus cant load the pack and it is not recommended that I start saved games. any ideas?
  9. yea ive got a warp core and ive gone way past orbit with full gravolium and it still flames out needing more power and i cant paste my image
  10. ive added a few warp coils on the side but it says it still needs more power. the ship is 35 tons i dont understand whats wrong
  11. how can i warp without using a warp ring, im trying to fly an ssto but the warp ring just makes it unable to land ive tried using warp coils but only 2 more would just be too long. advice please?
  12. i took them all out of game data because i didnt have ckan at the time
  13. every time I change game version via the betas tab it wont launch, it just says an error occurred while updating (missing executable). KSP.exe is still in the files and I can launch it but its just not connected to steam. I've literally tried everything and nothing has worked. I've given up and as my last resort I've posted this. if anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated.(btw the only version that works is the current version I'm just going back to try get north kerbin dynamics to work)
  14. doesnt matter what version i use in the beta tab i still get the same problem please help ( the only one that works is current version)
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