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    You think I'm a boomer?

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  • About me
    Star wars nerd, awaiting rescue on hoth
  • Location
    Stranded on hoth
  • Interests
    Ksp,space combat

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  1. I cant say I'm surprised at the level of kerbal is but I'm impressed xd
  2. Ok thank you I'm trying to figure out what goes where its an experience of trial and error ig I was gonna add a flag but not an entire agency I'm not very technical thx for helping
  3. So I wanted to start a starwarsesqe empire and I was wondering any tips I'll take anything and so you know I read the rules and so I'm not doing anything with anyone else revolving around my future "empire"
  4. Okay I think I understand stand it now and I'm deeply sorry about posting this twice I had completely forgot I had posted this here and reposted it in that other area anyways thank you! Edit: now I can start my own agency since it's not against the rules!
  5. I'm wondering do space events count what about empires I need to know!
  6. I want to know what counts as rping because I see a lot of agencies and I kinda want to start my own but to me it sounds like rping? Edit: please respond I'm trying not to break rules
  7. So I've been upgrading my my fleet after looking at the forums for the first time and so I feel kinda dumb now so uh any tips?
  8. Ik it's pretty easy to make a over powered engine you just copy and. Edit a config file I think
  9. Idk it just seems like I've beaten the other planet packs and I like star wars
  10. I was looking for a star wars challenge and the only one I found is one from 2017 so I'm gonna make a new easier one to find So basically to complete the requirements to look like a star wars craft in my book it must have a: class,some weapons(if needed),star warsesqe Also this is not for 1 to 1 replicas I'm saying it must be a star wars like ship anyways have fun! (Winner gets free snacks lol)
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