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Everything posted by DimaPT

  1. I noticed this too with regular methalox engines, resources where being consumed but no acceleration
  2. This may seem silly but I'm very excited for the procedural wings, I always hate making planes and SSTOs mostly because the wings aren't great, I think I will have a lot of fun building space planes in KSP 2.
  3. Mach speed would also be pretty cool but I think we can leave that up to modders
  4. I think that in this particular image, that is not the atmosphere, just a "highlight" of the map view. I could be wrong, but the reflection definitely look out place by being equal in land and ocean.
  5. I'm just gonna assume most people like the new UI and say I do too. Pretty much everything is done better. But I have a couple issues: The information being a lot more condensed is very good however, I have one issue, the velocity. The velocity is in the far far left of the screen and I find the need to look at the very edge of my monitor to know the craft's speed a little annoying. (The altitude meter isn't perfect either but it's not as far from the center of the screen, so it's less irritating) The big yellow notifications, I find them very distracting and obstructing, I think the empty space at the very top of the screen could be used to place the game paused, unpaused, and the other types of yellow notifications (idk what else to call them) that appear in center of the screen. Also the yellow is very out of place in the UI. UI scaling, just like in KSP 1, I'm hoping KSP 2 will have the option to scale the UI to the player's preference. If this already exists I apologise.
  6. Idk, I feel like the planets already look very very good from orbit, dedicating any more time or resources to this feels unnecessary.
  7. I have had to cancel so many missions because I simply forgot to check for this, it is obviously my fault but a warning in the VAB would be very nice indeed.
  8. These are the two biggest ones in my opinion, they're essentially the same. You should have 1 fuel tank per diameter and fuel type in the parts list and just be able to change the height, even if not procedural and just premade, it would be very useful. The possibility of changing the size of SRBs (the fuel tank only obviously) would be pretty neat to fine tune your rockets but not as useful as the Liquid Fuel tanks I mentioned above.
  9. Agreed, especially in rockets, it feels weird to have the vortices go through the exhaust plume. It is just a nitpick though
  10. I feel like it would make a lot of sense for life support to come with colonies, because of the resource management. There's fuel factories and maybe there will be oxygen factories or something of the sort.
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