Squad smart guys. Im make models for me. Im like make models What? No any chance. LER dockport only to LER dockport , like IRL. in this update only one dockport. In next you have other habbitats for Mun and Duna.
im have a lot message every day. Im answered now Im also not hold work on Soviet pack. In next update you see Change; Changed texture format - now game load faster Toggle ASAS cfg fix and other small bugfix Add New experemental Buran landing gear.
NovaSilisko Yep. Its too much time. )) Need change to TGA. I have question about flagdecal. i have this in unity this in cfg ...and this ingame What im make wrong?
Pod, Base, and 6 wheels... also maybe back additional energy generator. I dont think so. LER pod have horizontal orientation. Like DEMV Mk1. Hard to make good SEV.
Yep..im use... I think yes. This unrealistic...but only 1 possible way to unbark them. in fact , altair descent stage have 2 LER rovers...but how in game...i dont know need tests.
No. Users help me make mods , but users need see what im make. Also im need fix cfg Kvant solar panels to new KAS cfg. Anyone have information about that?