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Everything posted by BobCat

  1. 5. CBM to CBM work perfect. No any other dockports support. Like IRL PMA broken and bug spaming all other ports. Dont use them.
  2. in this thread no any HOME pictures or information.
  3. Not now, but soon. Still need balansing and testing
  4. dimovski Because this game does not have a tenth of those systems of control of the ship which is in real life. For example separate control engine thrust. At the beginning of our rocket Soyuz U had several types of engines, big engines were not gimbal range and the small steering nozzle asked vector of spacecraft motion. As in real life. But as expected the good ideas were not possible due to technical limitations game. I can talk about this for a long time, and why I'm doing this way and not otherwise. But perhaps I umeschayas all in one sentence, I do Adoni to them was a pleasure to play. In this version of the game, trying to make an exact copy of anything that causes this addon turns out not playable. For example developers have long promised to introduce changes in the response time of the thrust vector (now it is instantaneous, which causes a lot of vibration and yaw in different directions) but so far nothing has been done. And you have to wait nabratsya patience and hope that the Squad listen to the requests of the developers of addons.
  5. Soon im update Soviet and American pack and include fresh version plugins and updated cfg. (KAS and TASAS) About MTV... its possible but not soon. Now we concentrate find all bugs and good balancing to parts in next update American pack.
  6. Very cool, thank you. Im use that ASAS every fly.
  7. Like other fuel transfer.... dockports.
  8. MDBenson Its no final version. )) Altair descent stage test
  9. m4ti140 Im already have a lot variants configs LES and shroud system. Current variant optimal. I.R.L. No, I will not do SLS. Feel free.
  10. m4ti140 Dragon already making any variants LES shrouds(Im special making top and bottom shroud). Im like how it work in current version.
  11. If you switch [ or ] button , this game specific phisics on/off effect. For switching ships use Track Station. And good fly, now need make Altair. like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycppfvOUlPs Ares IV Test Fly
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