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Everything posted by BobCat

  1. Yes, im remake this place Wrong. Small nozzle have 45 degrees in one axis. 4 (2-2) have 45 in both planes. KSP not ready for that. No control surface in this place now. If im make separate parts áÃÂá , im make like N1L3 rocket. Wrong. weak RCS port use for orientation CA in pre reentry stage afner separation. I cant make this place in KSP now. Wrong. Im main parachute landing use only 3 (1 level), if use reserve parachute crew use 4 (1 level) and 2 (3 level) solid booster. We no have reserve parachute and separate control for engines in KSP. Maybe later.
  2. New texture and fix models New RCS and control system FAR compatible IRL control descent profile New double parachute system And after reentry texture change (maybe) ))
  3. Im total remake all texture space and optimisation, and i think in new version you dont need delete any ships ))) Old version Soyuz TMA (Soyuz and Progress) parts have 112mb texture RAM usage . In New version Soyuz TMA (Soyuz and Progress) parts have only 14 mb textures. what?
  4. No any big Soviet pack update. Im split pack to small pack for 1-2 ship.
  5. Now im make only Soyuz TMA.... but this... very complex and very fun spaceship in all KSP game. Check Youtube channel sometime. Im post new features very soon.
  6. So, im also have bad news, in future update im remove old Soyuz ship, because im lost all 3d and texture files, i cant uptade them.
  7. No new stuff soon. No Soviet and no American new craft in soon update. Im full remake Soviet pack , and this very hard job. New pack be split for many parts (Soyuz+Progres, Buran and Kliper, Mir station etc ) and be FAR compatibility i think. Example IRL working controlled descent profile.
  8. Mm... American pack now have multycrew perfect Orion. For what other?
  9. Long video about Soyuz TMA dock to MIR station use only IVA view . Somebody fix Kerbtown plugin?
  10. Whatch change log info. Last Soviet pack version 2.0.0 and Soviet pack never updated in future.
  11. 2.06? last testet version in my PC have 2.0.2 . Last release its 2.0.0 and it in mediafire https://www./#cb8g24xxglxrk
  12. What strange you see in this picture? Its just Soyuz TMA... but... this Soyuz now have Neptune console
  13. Im try remake CSS , but this have big problems. I hope that in the end, somebody would make the Space Shuttle
  14. 1,2 -Complex optimizing texture -Add rastermonitor for each pod (test) Chek spaceport
  15. Test orbital ship in telescope mode 90X82 Orbit Minimus Old runway
  16. RD 0146 IRL now no have extendable nozzle. Maybe in future... Maybe other modification based RD 0146 Maybe... in other life Or maybe not... In Soviet engine pack only RD 0146. No any extendable nozzle.
  17. So... if 1 man use Bad windows im need make all texture reduction? )) Im have very big pack and remake all texture very big work.
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