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Everything posted by BobCat

  1. soon im update American and Soviet pack. Im have big optimization plan , but all this need time. And... texture reduction..totaly not.
  2. Im make crazy mix. Russian PTS-Z and (Yep, Orbital module have too), American Orion + HOME = HOME 2 And ASMI prepare crazy new thing also... Water, food, solar radiation...and more more...
  3. Historical craft question , in hisorical forum therad. Too much complex? Im never release any source. Never. Im already answered all questions about DEMV, Nautilus, JOOL5, and other stuff. Read this thread. Once upon a time, a man I had already proposed to support old addons from which I eventually refused. In the end, he made a lot of new, made a lot of mistakes in these addons was impossible to play. And I decided that for now, or I support the addons itself, or they are left for the old version of the game. All modules have been remaked, old version deleted.
  4. I still working on new stuff for HOME 2. For example. New HOME 2 command pod, replaced old one. Yeap, old-gold yellow stipe return.
  5. In this pack user have 8 different engines, and have 8 different textures. If you need 8 engines and 2 textures , dont downoad this pack. I dont know how make different texture in one. I'm starting to slowly feel sorry that they published these engines. It would be better if they had stayed at that who commissioned them.
  6. Also this hi poly models. If you no have good PC , just skip this pack. Yea im use only one 4096*4096 monotexture for all engines, special for spam your RAM.
  7. It will not be a secret if we tell you about it No Holded. No any historical stuff soon. Soviet pack already very big.
  8. More pictures RD 171M RD 180 RD 0120 RD 0124 RD0146 RD 191 NK33 NK43
  9. can download here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-22soviet-engines-pack-v1-0/ thanks Asmi for IRL cfg file.
  10. Soon Soviet Engines pack in two scale (1/1 IRL size and Module fuel cfg , and 0.64 stock variant) In pack RD 0124 RD 0146 RD 0120 NK 33 NK 43 RD 171 M RD 180 RD 191
  11. im use old PC 4gb RAM and use Soviet Pack and American pack + experemetal stuff and 10 small pack like Khetane and KAS. For other im have other game version. And im no have any RAM problem. Im relaunch game, sometime 50-80 per day. Its normal for create , testing and balancing my packs.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_oxygen_generator
  13. Use 10 for Pods, 30 fuel tanks and 20 for Space station parts.
  14. Its oxygen prioritet level. At first, he spent the tank, where the priority is higher.
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